New paths in a musician’s training – reflections of an instrumentalist Journal title: "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego" Authors: Piotr Różański Subject(s): Education, Music
The Importance of Loosely Systematized Game Phases in Sports: The Case of Attack Coverage Systems in High-Level Women’s Volleyball Journal title: Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Authors: Lorenzo Laporta, Pantelis Nikolaidis, Luke Thomas, José Afonso Subject(s):
Una aproximación metodológica al estudio de la internacionalización financiera en América Latina Journal title: Ola Financiera Authors: Samuel Lichtensztejn Subject(s):
Umowa stowarzyszeniowa pomiędzy UE a Ukrainą elementem budowy bezpieczeństwa europejskiego. Wybrane aspekty swobodnego przepływu osób Journal title: Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe Authors: Magdalena Bainczyk Subject(s):
POLITIK HUKUM PERBANKAN SYARIAH DI INDONESIA Journal title: MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Authors: Muhammad Ramadhan Subject(s):
Ukrainians’ crisis immigration to Poland – a chance for Polish demography? Journal title: European Journal of Geopolitics Authors: Adam Myślicki Subject(s):
Spontaneous Expression and Spontaneous Improvisation: What Contemporary Improvising Artists Can Learn from Chinese Artists-Philosophers Journal title: The Polish Journal of Aesthetics Authors: Rafał Mazur Subject(s):
F ermentability O f Saccharomyces cerevisiae (B aker’s Y east ) W ith F ruit J uices & C arbohydrate substrates Journal title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Management Authors: Dr.Vijaykumar Biradar Subject(s):
EMPOWERMENT (WZMOCNIENIE) DOROSŁYCH OSÓB Z NIEPEŁNOSPRAWNOŚCIĄ INTELEKTUALNĄ NA PRZYKŁADZIE PROJEKTU S3SOSNOWIECKA SPÓŁDZIELNIA SOCJALNA, Empowerment of adults of personal intellectual disability on example of project S3SOSNOWIECKA social society Journal title: Czasopismo Pedagogiczne/The Journal of Pedagogy Authors: Ewa Gawlik Subject(s):
Small border traffic in Belarus: the implementation and development prospects Journal title: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка, серія «Географія» Authors: D. Nikityuk, A. Sidarovich Subject(s):
Investigation of Mill Balls Metal Deterioration in Mills KBM 370/850 (Sh-50А) when Fuel not Envisaged in the Mill Design is Used at Thermal Power Plants Journal title: Energy Engineering and Control Systems Authors: Stepan Mysak, Taras Voronchak Subject(s):
Les relations interethniques pendant la période 1945 – 1990 à Alțâna (département de Sibiu). Etude de cas Journal title: Martor. The Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Review Authors: Ana Pascu Subject(s):
74 Grupa Biednych z Ustki. Semantyka i sposoby wytwarzania Journal title: Kultura Popularna Authors: Xawery Stańczyk Subject(s):
The Impact of the EU Migration and Visa Policy on the Development of Cross-Border Cooperation in the Field of Tourism between Ukraine and Poland Journal title: Studia Periegetica Authors: Khrystyna Fogel Subject(s):