Classification of Wheat Types by Artificial Neural Network

Journal title: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering

Authors: Ali YASAR| Computer Programming, Guneysinir Vocational School of Higher Education Selcuk University...

Subject(s): Engineering, Nanotechnology

Application of ANN Modelling of Fire Door Resistance

Journal title: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering

Authors: Sakir Tasdemir| Selcuk University, Technology Faculty, Computer Engineering, Konya, Turkey, Mustafa...

Subject(s): Engineering, Nanotechnology

Application of waste calcium carbonate in the tire industry

Journal title: Scientific Journal of Environmental Sciences

Authors: G.H. Ranjbar*| Department of Mining Engineering, Safashahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Safashah...

Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Soil Sciences, Environmental Toxicology, Epidemiology

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