ORGANIZATION OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING AT THE ENTERPRISES OF SMALL BUSINESS Journal title: Сталий розвиток економіки Authors: Larysa Ocheretko, Nataliia Krasovska Subject(s):
Assessment of Economic Viability of Engineering Structures as Landslide Protection Measures in Landslide Prone Zones Journal title: Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology Authors: V. Malathi, D. Tamilmani Subject(s):
Productivity and Economic Benefits of Using Different Rates of Lumax 537.5 SE for Weed Control in Maize in a Transition Agro-ecological Zone of Ghana Journal title: Journal of Scientific Research and Reports Authors: V. Y. Anorvey, H. K. Dapaah, E. K. Asiedu Subject(s):
The psychometric properties of exercise benefits/barriers scale among women Journal title: Electronic Physician Authors: Batool Hasanpoor-Azgahdy, Ziba Taghizadeh Subject(s):
Dimensions of Open Government Data Web Portals: A Case of Asian Countries Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Sanad Aarshi, Usman Tariq, Babur Hayat Malik, Fariha Habib, Kinza Ashfaq, Irm Saleem Subject(s):
Personality and welfare of tourism: post-non-classical studies Journal title: Науковий вісник Полтавського університету економіки і торгівлі. Серія "Економічні науки" Authors: G. Sklyar Subject(s):
A Review of Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) of Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge in Ethiopia: Status, Trends and Lessons Learned Journal title: Journal of Plant Science and Research Authors: Yeneahayu Fentahun Mihertu Subject(s):
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CORRELATION BETWEEN COMMUNITY NEEDS AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE SYSTEM IN ROMANIA Journal title: Revista Universitara de Sociologie Authors: Florin-Ionuț STANCU Subject(s):
The Revision of the Health Benefits Package in current literature: A Concept Clarification Journal title: Evidence Based Health Policy, Management & Economics Authors: Mojtaba Nouhi, Mahdi Naderi, Alireza Olyaeemanesh Subject(s):
Model Empowerment Development Through Relational Benefit Approach Based On Social Marketing Concept Journal title: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal Authors: Muhammad Balaf, Muslichah Erma Widiana, Farida Agustini Subject(s):
Personal factors and their relevance for the assessment and allocation of benefits in social medicine and rehabilitation Journal title: Electronic Physician Authors: Wolfgang Seger, Sabine Grotkamp Subject(s):
ESSENTIAL ASPECTS OF SPONSORSHIP RELATIONSHIPS Journal title: EMC Review: Časopis za ekonomiju i tržišne komunikacije Authors: Anđela Mikić, Maja Đokić, Biljana Panić Subject(s):
A Study on Impact of Kisan Credit Card Scheme among the Beneficiary Farmers in Sehore District of Madhya Pradesh Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
Zdolność wybranych mikroorganizmów pożytecznych do ograniczania wzrostu Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary na ziemniaku w zależności od temperatury Ability of selected microorganisms to limit Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary growth on potato in correlation to temperature Journal title: Progress in Plant Protection Authors: Joanna Krzymińska, Jolanta Kowalska, Magdalena Jakubowska Subject(s):