Student’s Mathematics Creative Thinking Skills in Terms of Logical Mathematical Intelligence Journal title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Management Authors: Afifah Nur Aini Subject(s):
Team Game TournamentBased Innovative Question for Improving Learning Motivation and Creative Thinking Skills Students Journal title: IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME) Authors: Chasanah . Subject(s):
Explicit Instruction in Problem-Solving Skills, Creative and Critical Thinking Skills of the Elementary Education Students. Journal title: International Journal of Innovation and Research in Educational Sciences Authors: MARY-AN U. MAGBANUA Subject(s): Education Research, Innovation
TRANSFORMATIONAL APPLICATION AVENUE OF CORT THINKING STRATEGY FOR HIGHER EDUCATION. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: Nikme S.C. Momin, Kasaatchi Tera K. Marak. Subject(s):
Development of LKPD Based on ExCluSiVE Learning Model to Improve Creative Thinking Skills in Mathematics Learning in Grade IV Elementary School Journal title: International Journal of Current Science Research and Review Authors: Dedi Suwito, Ryzal Perdana, Deni Hadiana, Sunyono . Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences, Economic Development, Technological Change and Growth, Medical Education , Business, Commercial, Consumer and Financial Law, Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Humanities, Multidisciplinary, Psychology, Multidisciplinary, Engineering, Multidisciplinary, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Improving Creative Thinking Skills Using Project-Based Learning Integrated with Electronic Modules on Post-Covid-19 Viruses Journal title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research Authors: Ummar Aziiza Awalia, Slamet Subiyantoro, Margana Subject(s): Economics, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Literature, Sociology of Education, Criminology, Public Administration
The Effect of Project-Based Learning Models and Learning Styles on Creative Thinking Skills of Students Journal title: International Journal of Current Science Research and Review Authors: Abdul Hamid B, Khoirul Efendiy, Nia Wahyu Damayanti, Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences, Economic Development, Technological Change and Growth, Medical Education , Business, Commercial, Consumer and Financial Law, Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Humanities, Multidisciplinary, Psychology, Multidisciplinary, Engineering, Multidisciplinary, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Teacherâs Role in Encouraging Student Participation in Reading Skills Journal title: European Journal of Teaching and Education Authors: Buket Kara Yılmaz, Subject(s): Education, Education Research, Educational Technology, Philosophy of Education
Teacher’s Role in Encouraging Student Participation in Reading Skills Journal title: European Journal of Teaching and Education Authors: Buket Kara Yılmaz Subject(s): Education, Education Research, Educational Technology, Philosophy of Education
The Effect of Project-Based Learning Model and Independence on Creative Thinking Skills Journal title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research Authors: Sandra Bayu Kurniawan Subject(s): Economics, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Literature, Sociology of Education, Criminology, Public Administration
METHODOLOGY FOR DEVELOPING 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPILS Journal title: International scientific journal Science and Innovation Authors: D.Dj. Baynazarova Subject(s): Archaeology, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Science