BIOCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF PEPPER FRUIT (DENNETTIA TRIPETALA) AND ITS USE AS SUBSTITUTE FOR GINGER IN ZOBO DRINK PRODUCTION Journal title: Academic Research International Authors: A. Ihemeje, M. C. Ojinnaka, K. C. Obi, C. C. Ekwe Subject(s):
Virtualization Implementation Model for Cost Effective & Efficient Data Centers Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Mueen Uddin, Azizah Abdul Rahman Subject(s):
THE PLANT COMMUNITIES WITH PHRAGMITES AUSTRALIS FROM “THE HAYFIELDS OF VALEA LUI DAVID” NATURAL RESERVATION (IASI COUNTY) Journal title: Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi, Serie noua, Sectiunea II a. Biologie vegetala Authors: OANA ZAMFIRESCU Subject(s):
Intelligent Solar Tracker System Implemented On 8051 Microcontroller Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY Authors: Prof. Pooja K. Chhatwani#1 , Prof. Jayashree S. Somani Subject(s):
Simulation and Development of Stepper Motor for Badminton Playing Robot Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: Rupesh Borkar , Tanveer Aga Subject(s):
Relaxed Median Filter: A Better Noise Removal Filter for Compound Images Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Zinat Afrose Subject(s):
EFFECT OF USING BLACK PEPPER AS NATURAL FEED ADDITIVE ON PERFORMANCE AND CARCASS QUALITY OF BROILER CHICKS Journal title: Int J of Pharm Res & Analy Authors: Safa MA El Taz , Mukhtar Ahmed Mukhtar , KA Mohamed , Mohamed H Tabidi Subject(s):
Asociatia Natională a Fabricantilor de Produse de Uz Veterinar din Romania - Raport de activitate pe perioada 01.01 – 30.10.2014 Journal title: Medicamentul Veterinar / Veterinary Drug Authors: Valer Teusdea Subject(s):
Squeezing Film Characteristics for Micropolar Fluid between Porous Parallel Stepped Plates Journal title: Tribology in Industry Authors: A. Siddangouda Subject(s):
A Review on Different Median based Filtering Techniques Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Priya Kapoor* 1 Subject(s):
THERMAL PROPERTIES OF BLACK PEPPER AND ITS VOLATILE OIL Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research. Authors: Murlidhar Meghwal and T K Goswami Subject(s):
Allelopatic effects of some medicinal plant essential oils on plant seeds germination Journal title: Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology Authors: ALI SHOKOUHIAN, Hassan Habibi, Kayvan Agahi Subject(s):
PSO Algorithm based Adaptive Median Filter for Noise Removal in Image Processing Application Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Ruby Verma, Rajesh Mehra Subject(s):
COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF IMAGE DENOISING TECHNIQUES Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology Authors: Monika Pathak , Sukhdev Singh Subject(s):
Impulse denoising using Hybrid Algorithm Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Ms.Arumugham Rajamani , Dr.Vellingiri Krishnaveni Subject(s):