The Historical Genesis of Employment of the Economically Active Population of Middle-Age Journal title: Демографія та соціальна економіка Authors: I.F. Gnibidenko, O.V. Nartyuk Subject(s):
The Mediating Role of Maladaptive Schemas in Relation between Personality and Hardines Journal title: Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry Authors: Marzieh Sadat Ebrahimi, Nemat Tavvosi Subject(s): Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry, Developmental Psychology, Health and Wellness
FINANCIAL INCLUSION AND WOMEN EMPOWERMENT: A GENDER PERSPECTIVE Journal title: International journal of research -GRANTHAALAYAH Authors: Subject(s):
Adaptation of individuality in the modern society: challenges and opportunities Journal title: Intercultural Communication Authors: Natalia Kovchyn Subject(s):
Organization of the psychological and socio-cultural adaptation Journal title: Intercultural Communication Authors: Natalia Kovchyn Subject(s):
PHILOSOPHY, SYNERGETICS AND CHOLISM IN THE CONTEXT OF EDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONS IN THE HIGH SCHOOL Journal title: Професіоналізм педагога: теоретичні й методичні аспекти Authors: Victor Dubinin Subject(s):
Aportes de la comunicación para la inclusión de personas en condición de discapacidad a la vida urbana Journal title: Chasqui. Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación Authors: Oscar Julián Cuesta Moreno Subject(s):
THE EXCLUSION OF EVIDENCE IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS – A COMPARATIVE APPROACH Journal title: Challenges of the knowledge society ( Provocari ale societatii cunoasterii ) Authors: Mihai MAREȘ Subject(s):
Swój – obcy – inny. Brexit i jego społeczne konsekwencje Journal title: Polonia Journal Authors: Karolina Kupis Subject(s):
Percepciones de las familias inmigrantes latinoamericanas en España sobre el espacio educativo: giro dialógico-decolonial Journal title: Chasqui. Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación Authors: Bianca Fiorella Serrano Manzano, Agustín de la Herrán Subject(s):
THE LEGAL PROTECTION OF IDEAS Journal title: Challenges of the knowledge society ( Provocari ale societatii cunoasterii ) Authors: Viorel ROŞ, Andreea LIVĂDARIU Subject(s):
İstanbul'da Yaşayan Transların Dışlanma ve Ayrımcılık Deneyimleri Üzerine Nitel Bir Çalışma Journal title: AURUM Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Authors: Görkem AYPAR, Bahar TANYAŞ Subject(s):
COMPUTER SEARCH VERSUS TECHNICAL-SCIENTIFIC FINDING Journal title: Challenges of the knowledge society ( Provocari ale societatii cunoasterii ) Authors: Radu SLĂVOIU Subject(s):
The problems of unemployment and exclusion from labor market of Ukraine Journal title: Економічний вісник університету Authors: Svitlana Koval’ Subject(s):
Marginalité et errance dans l’œuvre de Laurent Gaudé : le vagabond comme figure de la rupture Journal title: Quêtes littéraires Authors: Donia Boubaker Subject(s):