Anti-oxidant and Antimicrobial Flavonoid Glycosides from Alstonia boonei De Wild Leaves Journal title: Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International Authors: Nkeoma N. Okoye, Chukwuma O. B. Okoye Subject(s):
Flavonoid Glycosides from Heracleum pastinaca Fenzl Journal title: Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Perihan GÜRBÜZ Subject(s):
TWO NOVEL FLAVONE C-GLYCOSIDES ISOLATED FROM AFROCARPUS GRACILIOR: POM ANALYSES AND IN VITRO CYTOTOXIC ACTIVITY AGANIST HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA Journal title: International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Amel M. Kamal, Mohamed Abdelhady, Taibi Ben Hadda Subject(s):
Potential activities for constituents from Vicia faba Journal title: Trends in Phytochemical Research Authors: Ahmed Allam, Alaa Nafady, Amgad I.M. Khedr, Toshinori Nakagawa, Kuniyoshi Shimizu Subject(s): Food Science and Technology, Photochemistry, Pharmacognosy
Flavonoid Glycosides from Heracleum pastinaca Fenzl Journal title: Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Perihan GÜRBÜZ Subject(s): Medicine, Pharmacology