LEGISLATIVE APPROACHES ON THE CONCEPT AND FEATURES OF FOODSTUFFS Journal title: «Приватне та публічне право» Authors: О.В. Запотоцька Subject(s):
MOORVADI CHOORNA: A LITERARY REVIEW Journal title: Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation Authors: Sunitha G, Gazala Hussain. Subject(s):
IMPROVEMENT OF THE TECHNOLOGY OF OATMEAL COOKIES BY ADDING FOOD ADDITIVE «MAGNETOFOOD» ON THE BASIS OF TWO- AND THREEVALENT IRON TO THE RECIPE Journal title: Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі Authors: Ірина Цихановська Subject(s):
Nutritional and Structural Evaluation of Sweitenia Mycrophylla Exudate Gum: A Potential Excipient and Food Additive Journal title: Advanced Journal of Chemistry-Section A (Theoretical, Engineering and Applied Chemistry) Authors: Adeyanju Olusola, Joshua Nebula Chukwu Subject(s):
Composition of environmental safety of products of bakery enterprises Journal title: Наукові горизонти. Scientific Horizons Authors: O. Vasiltsova Subject(s):
PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF SAFETY AND QUALITY OF FOOD PRODUCTS Journal title: Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія «Юридичні науки» Authors: О.В. Запотоцька Subject(s):
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AS A SUBJECT OF FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT Journal title: Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія «Юридичні науки» Authors: О.В. Запотоцька Subject(s):
Forming the structure of whipped desserts when introducing the food additive "Magnetofood" to their formulation Journal title: Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий Authors: Iryna Tsykhanovska, Viktoria Yevlash, Alexandr Alexandrov, Barna Khamitova, Karyna Svidlo, Olesia Ne... Subject(s):
Influence of Some Food Additives “Cocktail Effect” on White Rats Behavioural Parameters Journal title: The 1st Annual Meeting of Georgian Center for Neuroscience Research Authors: Ekatherine Mitaishvili and Otari Gokhadze Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Neuroscience
Use of anatomical and kinetic models in the evaluation of human food additive safety Journal title: The AAPS Journal Authors: William L. Roth Subject(s): Medicine
Evaluation of the Neurobehavioural Toxic Effects of Taurine, Glucuronolactone, and Gluconolactone Used in Energy Drinks in Young Rats Journal title: Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Revathi BOYINA1, Sujatha DODOALA Subject(s): Medicine, Pharmacology
Studies on the Common Preservatives and Additives and their Nutritional Values used in the South Indian Food Industry Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Keziah Prabhu | G. Sangavi | Shaleesha A. Stanley Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Predictive risk assessment of a common food additive monosodium glutamate : An in vivo biochemical, patho-physiological and molecular study Journal title: International Journal of Experimental Research and Review Authors: Saikat Pramanik; Susanta Roy Karmakar Subject(s): Cattle, Dairy processing. Dairy products, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Mathematics, Miscellaneous, Medical Education
MEDICINAL VALUE OF CORNUS MAS L. AND FLAVONOID COMPOSITION OF FRUITS Journal title: International scientific journal Science and Innovation Authors: Matkarimova Gulnaz Maksudzhanovna Subject(s): Archaeology, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Science
THE NEED FOR PHARMACOTHERAPY WITH VITAMINS Journal title: International scientific journal Science and Innovation Authors: Muradova Railya Rustamovna Subject(s): Archaeology, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Science