THEORETIC AND EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF THE FLOW RESISTANCE COEFFICIENT AT GASEOUS MEDIUM FLOW INTO AND OUT OF THE PNEUMATIC COUPLING Journal title: Scientific Journals of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport Authors: Matej URBANSKÝ Subject(s): Economics, Environmental Sciences, Linguistics, Biophysics, Communication, Social Work, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Medicine, General & Internal, Literary Theory & Criticism, Education & Educational Research, Business, Business, Finance, Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology, Transportation, Transportation Science & Technology, Education, Scientific Disciplines
TEORETYCZNO-EKSPERYMENTALNE WYZNACZANIE WSPÓŁCZYNNIKÓW OPORU PRZEPŁYWU PRZY PRZEPŁYWIE MEDIUM GAZOWEGO DO I ZE SPRZĘGŁA PNEUMATYCZNEGO Journal title: Scientific Journals of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport Authors: Matej URBANSKÝ Subject(s): Economics, Environmental Sciences, Linguistics, Biophysics, Communication, Social Work, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Medicine, General & Internal, Literary Theory & Criticism, Education & Educational Research, Business, Business, Finance, Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology, Transportation, Transportation Science & Technology, Education, Scientific Disciplines