AZƏRBAYCANIN DAXİLİ SU EHTİYATLARI – ÇAYLAR, GÖLLƏR, ONLARIN MƏNSƏBİ VƏ YERLƏŞDİYİ COĞRAFİ MƏKANLAR Journal title: Nature & Science Authors: Səlminaz Cavanşir qızı Mahmudova Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Medicine, Agricultural Science
BÖYÜK QAFQAZIN ŞIMAL-ŞƏRQ YAMACININ SUVARILMASI ÜÇÜN İSTİFADƏ OLUNAN ÇAY VƏ KANAL SULARININ EKOLOJİ ANALİZİ Journal title: Nature & Science Authors: Mina Faiq qızı Hüseynova Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Medicine, Agricultural Science
Locating the crisis management and base using the AHP analysis hierarchy method in the 3rd district of Tehran Journal title: Urban Strategic Thought Authors: Rahim Hashimpour, mohadeseh mirzaei, mohammad kamarrusta Subject(s): Urban Studies
Multi-elemental Analysis of Philippine Coffee Using X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry for Varietal and Geographical Discrimination Journal title: Peninsulares International Journal of Innovations and Sustainability Authors: Rosechelle Catrina N. Borreta, Ma. Ellyza Andrea J. Ona Subject(s): Education, Engineering, Management Science/Operations Research, Agricultural Science, Public Policy Sciences, Energy, Environmental, Accounting, Health Care Sciences & Services, Public Administration