Teachers’ Preferences for Teaching Mathematics to Primary School Children with Specific Learning Difficulties in Harare Region, Zimbabwe Journal title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: Thomas Musankuleni Kaputa Subject(s):
The Effectiveness of Structured Learning on Self-Regulated Development and Academic Achievement Journal title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: Dr. Michelle Inciso- Mendoza, Dr. Eman Essa Subject(s):
Reflections on and discussions about 'Luminous Life: A New Model of Humanistic Psychotherapy' Journal title: Open Journal of Psychiatry & Allied Sciences Authors: Mythili Hazarika, Partha Choudhury Subject(s):
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES OF LAWYER – IT LEGAL, JURIDICAL OR PROFESSIONAL LAW HELP? Journal title: Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія: Право Authors: В.В. Заборовський Subject(s):
PEDAGOGICAL CAUSES OF TEENAGE PREGNANCY Journal title: Наука і освіта Authors: Olga Gerega, Maryna Voloshenko Subject(s):