Effect of support nature on performance and kinetics of nickel nanoparticles in toluene hydrogenation Journal title: International Journal of new Chemistry Authors: Nastaran Parsafard; Mohammad Hasan Peyrovi; Zahra Mohammadian Subject(s): Chemistry
Plant extract enhanced ruminal CLA concentration, in vitro Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: V. Heidarian Miri, A.K. Tyagi, S.H. Ebrahimi, M. Mohini Subject(s):
Aspects of appropriate feeding of cows for production of milk enriched in the fatty acids, EPA and DHA. A review Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: M. Zymon, J. Strzetelski, G. Skrzyński Subject(s):
Mezoporowate materiały węglowe jako obiecujące katalizatory utleniającego odwodornienia alkanów Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: S Jarczewski, P Kuśtrowski Subject(s):
Recovery of Nickel from Reformer Catalysts of Direct Reduction, Using the Pressurized Dissolving Method in Nitric Acid Journal title: Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Authors: B. Abrar, M. Halali, A. Pourfathi Subject(s): Engineering, Technological Change, Information Science, Industrial Management, Civil Engineering
Mesoporous carbon materials as promising catalysts for oxidative dehydrogenation of alkanes Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: S Jarczewski, P Kuśtrowski Subject(s):
The Influence of Step-By-Step Air Exposition of the Zr-Mn-Cr-Ni-V Alloy on Cycle Life Journal title: Фізика і хімія твердого тіла Authors: Yu. M. Solonin, O. Z. Galiy, A. V. Sameljuk, L. O. Romanowa, K. O. Graivoronska Subject(s):
The Peculiarities of Structure Formation Upon Sintering of TiH2+TiB2 Powder Blends Journal title: Фізика і хімія твердого тіла Authors: O. M. Іvasishin, G. A. Bagliuk, O. O. Stasiuk, D. G. Savvakin Subject(s):
The Influence of Air Exposition of the Zr-Mn-Cr-Ni-Al Alloy on Cycle Life Journal title: Фізика і хімія твердого тіла Authors: Yu. M. Solonin, О. Z. Galij, K. О. Graivoronska, А. V. Sameljuk, S. S. Petrovska Subject(s):
Catalytic Hydrogenation of Dimethylnitrobenzene to Dimethylaniline Over Pd/C Catalysts Journal title: Journal of Applied Chemical Science Authors: Mansoor Kazemimoghadam Subject(s):
НОВЫЕ МЕТОДЫ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ АЛЮМОЖЕЛЕЗАМАГНИЕВЫХ КАТАЛИЗАТОРОВ ДЕГИДРИРОВАНИЯ Journal title: World Science Authors: Л. Т. Татиашвили, Р. З. Уридия, Л. А. Долидзе, К. Н. Кочиашвили, Т. А. Дгебуадзе Subject(s):
Determination of the best microstructure and titanium alloy powders properties using neural network Journal title: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Authors: Z.A. Duriagina, R.O. Tkachenko, A.M. Trostianchyn, I.A. Lemishka, V.V. Kulyk, T.M. Kovbasyuk Subject(s): Engineering
Research on dehydrogenation of gomphrenin in heated ammonia solutions of organic solvents Journal title: Challenges of Modern Technology Authors: Natalia Szmyr, Sławomir Wybraniec Subject(s):
Research on stability of gomphrenin pigments influenced by Cu2+ ions Journal title: Challenges of Modern Technology Authors: Natalia Szmyr, Sławomir Wybraniec Subject(s):
DEVELOPMENT OF A NON-STATIONARY MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR THE PROCESS OF POLYMERIZATION OF ETHYLENE Journal title: Azerbaijan Chemical Journal Authors: A.M. Aliyev, I.I. Osmanova, A.R. Safarov Subject(s):