Application of the Tax Code in the Deductible Expenses Field in the Judicial Practice of Romania Journal title: Dezbateri social economice Authors: Viorel Craciuneanu, Daniel Stefan Subject(s):
DETERMINAN KESUKSESAN IMPLEMENTASI APLIKASI E-FAKTUR PAJAK Journal title: Jurnal Akuntansi Authors: Tri Ciptaningsih Subject(s):
Regulatory and Legal Framework for Control of Value Added Tax in Agriculture Journal title: Oblik i finansi Authors: Yuriy Hershman Subject(s): Economics, Banks and Banking, Finance and Financial Services, Marketing, Accounting, Management, Business, Finance
RESULTS OF THE CONSEQUENCES IMPLEMENTATION ANALYSIS OF VAT ELECTRONIC ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM Journal title: Інноваційна економіка Authors: Olena Kakhovska, Tetiana Zagorelska, Svitlana Drozhak Subject(s):
THE PROBLEM ISSUES OF LIABILITIES’ DOCUMENTATION IN ACCOUNTING Journal title: Інноваційна економіка Authors: Natalia Katkova, Viktoriia Platonovа Subject(s):
MOST STATIONERY INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Journal title: Acta Electronica Malaysia (AEM) Authors: Ummi Kalsom Hassan, Shahreen Kasim, Rohayanti Hassan, Hairulnizam Mahdin, Azizul Azhar Ramli, Mohd F... Subject(s):
ANALYSIS ON THE PHENOMENON OF FALSELY MAKING OUT VAT INVOICES FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Journal title: Topics in Economics, Business and Management (EBM) Authors: Cui Shufen, Sun Li Heng Subject(s):
Price and Normative-Expensive Mechanism of Calculations Between Participants of the Wholesale Electricity Market (on The Example of Donetsk Region) Journal title: Экономика строительства и городского хозяйства Authors: Natalya Rytova Subject(s):
ЗАРЕЄСТРОВАНА ПОДАТКОВА НАКЛАДНА – ПІДСТАВА ТА БЕЗЗАПЕРЕЧНЕ ПРАВО ДЛЯ ФОРМУВАННЯ ПОДАТКОВОГО КРЕДИТУ Journal title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Право Authors: A. Lohvyn Subject(s):
Effectiveness of Installment Payment Management Using Recurring Scheduling to Cashier Performance Journal title: ATM - Aptisi Transactions of Management Authors: Qurotul Aini, Alwiyah Alwiyah, Dian Mustika Putri Subject(s):
DIGITAL PLATFORM FOR E-ADMINISTRATION OF VALUE ADDED TAX Journal title: Право та інноваційне суспільство Authors: O. V. SHAPOVALOVA Subject(s):
Zwalczanie zorganizowanej przestępczości podatkowej z wykorzystaniem konstrukcji idealnego zbiegu czynów karalnych Journal title: Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe Authors: Janusz Sawicki Subject(s):
The Impact of Licensing Implementation for Importing Goods to Thailand through Customs Brokers Using AEO Standard Journal title: International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management Authors: Kornkit Torsirikul Subject(s):
FEATURES OF PROVIDING TRANSACTIONS ON ACCOUNT 315 "SPECIAL ACCOUNTS IN NATIONAL CURRENCY" Journal title: Молодий вчений Authors: I.O. Lesyk, O.M. Kolesnikova Subject(s):
Public e-procurement tools in European Union Journal title: Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy Authors: Ewa Prałat Subject(s):