Monitoring of weekly catch per unit effort (CPUE) and some biological features of bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix Linnaeus, 1766) captured from southern Black Sea coasts of Turkey

Journal title: Marine Science and Technology Bulletin

Authors: Süleyman ÖZDEMİR, Ercan ERDEM

Subject(s): Limnology, Marine Biology, Zoology and Animal Science, Oceanography, Climate Change, Fisheries , Law of the Sea/Maritime Law, Naval Science, Water Resources, Anatomy & Morphology, Marine & Freshwater Biology, Engineering, Ocean

Biodiversity aspects of Common Torpedo (Torpedo torpedo) in by-catch in Sidi Sha’ab Harbour, Tripoli, Libya

Journal title: Central Asian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Innovation

Authors: Esam Buzaid; Sayed Mohamed Ali; Ramadan Atea Ali

Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Environmental Economics, Environmental Biotechnology, Ecology, Environmental Engineering, Global Environmental Change, Environmental Planning, Environmental Remote Sensing, Environmental Toxicology, Environmental Law, Environmental Protection, Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

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