Molecular and cytogenetic evaluation for potential genotoxicity of hydrocortisone Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease Authors: Subject(s):
Antibacterial and brine shrimp lethality effect of marine actinobacterium Streptomyces sp. CAS72 against human pathogenic bacteria Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease Authors: Subject(s):
Estimation of total phenolic content, cytotoxicity and in-vitro antioxidant activity of stem bark of Moringa oleifera Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease Authors: Subject(s):
Phytochemical evaluation and molecular characterization of some important medicinal plants Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease Authors: Subject(s):
Phytochemical and toxicity evaluation of Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl by MCF-7 cell line and brine shrimp lethality bioassay Journal title: Journal of Coastal Life Medicine Authors: Subject(s):
Evaluation of Certain Blood and Biochemical Changes of Nile Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Exposed to Mercuric Chloride with Particular Reference to Erythrocyte Morphological Anomalies Journal title: International Blood Research & Reviews Authors: Wafaa Abdou Mohamed Mohamed Subject(s):
A case report of prenatally detected achondrogenesis type Ⅱ with an occipital cephalocele Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction Authors: Behnaz Moradi, Khadijeh Adabi, Mohamad Ali Kazemi, Farzaneh Fattahi Masrour Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Reproductive and Sexual Medicine
TOXICITY OF PROPARGITE ON CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND FATTY ACID PROFILE IN MURREL, CHANNA STRIATUS. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: Mageswari . M, Chinnamani . S, Murugaian . P Subject(s):
Using Various Types of Lethal Ovitrap to Control Aedes sp in Endemic Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Asep Tata Gunawan Subject(s):
Scanning electron microscopic studies of Beauveria bassiana against Lipaphis erysimi Kalt Journal title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science Authors: Tanvi Sharma, Neelam Joshi, Anu Kalia Subject(s):
Effect of sublethal doses of abamectin on demographic traits of tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) Journal title: Journal of Plant Protection Research Authors: Idin Zibaee, Mojtaba Esmaeily Subject(s):
Determinants of Mortality and the Lethal Area 50 Index (LA50) in Burn Patients Admitted to a Large Burn Center; A Single Center Experience Journal title: Bulletin of Emergency And Trauma Authors: Shahab Shahabi Shahmiri, Mohsen Kolahdouzan, Ara Omrani, Mehdi Khazaei, Hamid Salehi, Abbas Motavali... Subject(s):
Relationship between suicide intent lethality and risk correlates for suicide attempters in Pondicherry, the suicide Capital of India Journal title: Indian Journal of Neurosciences Authors: Anand Lingeswaran Subject(s):
Determinants of the Lethal Area 50 Index (LA50) in Burn Patients Admitted to a Tertiary Referral Burn Center in Southern Iran Journal title: Bulletin of Emergency And Trauma Authors: Abdolkhalegh Keshavarzi, Sina Kardeh, Amirhosein Pourdavood, Mana Mohamadpour, Maryam Dehghankhalili Subject(s):
Antibacterial Activity of Methanolic Extracts of Euphorbia heterophylla and Tithonia diversifolia against Some Microorganisms Journal title: European Journal of Medicinal Plants Authors: B. A. Oso, T. A. Ogunnusi Subject(s):