The Role of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in The Protective Lung Strategy after Cardiac Surgery in a Tertiary Intensive Care Unit Journal title: Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine Authors: Ibrahim Mungan, Sema Turan Subject(s): Medicine
A case report of lobar agenesis in the lung of a sheep and extra lobation in the lungs of dogs in Trinidad Journal title: Journal of Veterinary Medical Research Authors: Mohamed, R.* 1; Georges, K.2; Rajh, S.2; Suepaul, R.2 11Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences, Sc... Subject(s): Veterinary Sciences
Eksplorasi Etnomatematika dalam Motif Tenun Kain Lunggi Sambas Kalimantan Barat dan Implikasinya terhadap Pembelajaran Matematika Journal title: Variabel Authors: Rulli Purnama, Citra Utami, Nindy Citroresmi Prihatiningtyas Subject(s): Chemistry, Education, Mathematics, Physics, Biology
A rare case of multiple fibro-folliculomas and lung cysts: Possible Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome Journal title: Gulhane Medical Journal Authors: Ulviyya Gasimova, Salaheldin Elhamamsy, Sam Joseph, Ali Alkhayat Subject(s): Medicine, General Medicine
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome with Right-to-left Shunt in Cirrhotic Patients Using Macro-Aggregated Albumin Lung Perfusion Scan: Comparison with Contrast Echocardiography and Association with Clinical Data Journal title: Molecular Imaging and Radionuclide Therapy Authors: Zeynab Alipour, Abbas Armin, Sudabeh Mohamadi, Seyed Masoud Tabib, Zahra Azizmohammadi, Ali Gholamre... Subject(s): Medicine
May Biochemical Variables and Pleural Fluid Cell Count Be Used in the Benign-Malign Differentiation of Pleural Effusions Associated with Lung Cancer? Journal title: Bezmiâlem Science Authors: Sami DENİZ, Zübeyde GÜLCE, Jülide ÇELDİR EMRE, Yusuf AYDEMİR, Dursun ALİZOROĞLU, Ahmet Emin ERBAYCU Subject(s): Medicine
Correlation of Computed Tomography Findings with Histopathology in Small Lung Adenocancer Journal title: Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Authors: Melahat Kul, Kayhan Çetin Atasoy Subject(s): Medicine
Serum Procalcitonin as a Marker for Differential Diagnosis Between Bacterial Pneumonia and Scleroderma-related Lung Disease Journal title: Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Authors: Murat Torgutalp, Sami Kınıklı, Müçteba Enes Yayla, İlyas Ercan Okatan, Gülay Kınıklı Subject(s): Medicine
A Rare Cause of Acute Abdomen: Small Intestine Perforation Due to Metastasis of Lung Cancer Journal title: Istanbul Medical Journal Authors: Elchin Alizade, Mehmet İlhan, Baran Mollavelioğlu, İsmail Cem Sormaz, Erhan Eröz, Recep Erçin Sönmez Subject(s): Medicine
Transfusion-related Acute Lung Injury: A Case Report Journal title: The Journal of Pediatric Research Authors: Arzu Çalışkan Polat, Yeşim Yiğit, Esra Nagehan Akyol Önder, Ayşen Türedi Yıldırım, Pelin Ertan, Hüse... Subject(s): Medicine, Pediatrics
India and China: The Freshwater Dispute Amongst the Two Thirsty Asian Giant’s Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Sumedh Lokhande Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Effect of mindfulness therapy on the intervention of cancer-related fatigue in patients with lung cancer: a meta-analysis Journal title: TMR Non-Drug Therapy Authors: Lyu Cheng1 ,Han Wang1 ,Wen-Jiao Li1 ,Yun Ning1 ,Chang-De Jin2* Subject(s): Medicine
First Report of a Troglostrongylus brevior Case in a Domestic Cat in Turkey Journal title: Turkish Journal of Parasitology Authors: Şinasi Umur, Öykü Barılı, E. Burcu Gencay Topçu, Ali Tümay Gürler Subject(s): Medicine, Parasitology
Are the Tidal Volumes Used in Intensive Care Units Suitable for Lung Protective Ventilation? Can Training Ensure Compatibility? Journal title: Turkish Journal of Intensive Care Authors: Pınar Küçükdemirci Kaya, Halil Erkan Sayan, Murad Kaya, Nermin Kelebek Girgin Subject(s): Medicine
How to perform and interpret the lung ultrasound by the obstetricians in pregnant women during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic Journal title: Turkish Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Authors: Murat Yassa, Memiş Ali Mutlu, Erkan Kalafat, Pınar Birol, Cihangir Yirmibeş, Arzu Bilge Tekin, Kemal... Subject(s): Medicine, Obstetrics