Do you really know what Periodontal Disease is? Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Jose Ricardo Kina Subject(s):
Rehabilitation of Atrophic Maxilla using Pterygoid Implants: Case Reports Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Jimoh Olubanwo Agbaje, Jan Meeus, Luc Vrielinck, Henri Diederich Subject(s):
Combined Digital and Traditional Bite Registration Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Sadek Bakdach Subject(s):
Atypical Implant Failure Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: L Massa, JA von Fraunhofer Subject(s):
Preventive Dentistry Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Michel Goldberg Subject(s):
Looking at Patients and Listening to Patients in Time of Technological Innovation Journal title: Modern Approaches in Dentistry and Oral Health Care Authors: Luciana de Barros Correia Fontes Subject(s):
Persistent Organic Pollutants and Heavy Metals and the Importance of Fish as a Bio-Indicator of Environmental Pollution Journal title: Concepts of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences Authors: Tamer Tashla, Radivoj Prodanović, Jelana Bošković, Milena Žuža, Dragan Soleša, Dragana Ljubojević, N... Subject(s):
Waste Generated by Food Industry and Reuse in A Circular Economy Approach: The Whey Processing Journal title: Concepts of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences Authors: F Rosa Subject(s):
Prevention and Correction of Immunodeficiency States of Animals, Chemical Etiology Journal title: Concepts of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences Authors: Salimov Yu, Toshmuratov EA Subject(s):
Prevention of Negative Impact of Pesticides and Other Toxic Substances on Reproductive Function of Animals Journal title: Concepts of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences Authors: Salimov Y, Nurullaev AA Subject(s):
Ultrasonic Debridement with Stem Cell Therapy of Suspensory Branch Desmitis in an Equine Patient Journal title: Concepts of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences Authors: Srinath Kamineni, Alan Ruggle, Hamza Ashfaq Subject(s):
Rett Syndrome Journal title: Online Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders Authors: Rodriguez Rivera Sofia Lucila Subject(s):
Confrontation Naming Errors of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients Journal title: Online Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders Authors: Stephen C Enwefa, Regina Enwefa Subject(s):
Sleep is for Life: an Essential Part of Everyday Life Journal title: Online Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders Authors: Maheep Bhatnagar, Reena Chittora Subject(s):
Acquired Cumulative Systemic Neurotoxic Effect: The Future of Medicine & Biopsychology Journal title: Online Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders Authors: Rory Fleming Richardson Subject(s):