A study of the effect of pumpkin (ugu-<i>telfaira occidentals</i>) milk and raw egg mixture in the treatment of anaemic pregnant women in a rural area Journal title: African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines Authors: Mathew Olaniyan, Adewumi Adeleke Subject(s):
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS ASSOCIATED WITH ANAEMIC SYNDROME: A RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS AND LITERATURE REVIEW Journal title: Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers) Authors: Nadezhda Deleva, Alexandra Tzoukeva, Ara Kaprelyan, Kalina Drenska Subject(s):
Kemik İliği Aspiratlarında Saptanan Plazmasitozun Etyolojik Profili Journal title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi Authors: Monika Gupta, Shivani Malik, Rajnish Kalra, Nisha Sharma, Sunita Singh, Veena Gupta, Promil J... Subject(s):
CLINICAL EVALUATION OF KODIPAVALA CHUNNAM IN THE TREATMENT OF INFECTIVE HEPATITIS, DRUG INDUCED HEPATITIS AND ALCOHOLIC HEPATITIS Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: V. Velpandian , M. Pitchiahkumar, I.S. Gnanavel, N. Anbu, A.M. Kadher Subject(s):
A Study of Lipid Profile in Iron Deficiency Anemia Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Authors: Venkateshwarlu Nandyala , Gandiah P , Karthik R.S , Sivarajappa P , Indira G , Krishna Prasad T Subject(s):
Maternal and perinatal outcome in twin pregnancy- a hospital based study Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Authors: S. K. Sridhara , Chaitanya Krishna Murthy , Mahalakshmi Chitragar Subject(s):
A STUDY OF ANAEMIA AMONG ADOLESCENT GIRLS IN TIRUPATI RURAL AND URBAN AREAS THROUGH GOVERNMENT HIGH SCHOOLS Journal title: Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion Authors: T. Jaya Naidu, Sekar M N, Sasi B, Hemavathi , Shankar Dudala, Manohar B, K Ramudu Subject(s):
Haematological Profile of Anaemia in Children of Age 1-12 Years in Southern Rural India Journal title: People's Journal of Scientific Research. Authors: Ashish Pandey, , Megha Pandey, , V D Dombale, , G K Sawke, , Nilima Sawke, , Pritam Khairkar, ,... Subject(s):
Counter effects of N. Sativa L. and P. ovataL. on indicative markers ofnon alcoholic fatty liver disease Journal title: Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Afshan Syed Abbas , Nadeem Sheikh Subject(s):
Prevalence of anaemia among different physiological groups in the rural areas of Maharashtra Journal title: Indian Journal of Community Health (IJCH) Authors: Nimmathota Arlappa, Indrapal I Meshram, Nagalla Balakrishna, Rachkula Harikumar, Kodavanti Rao,... Subject(s):
SENSORY NERVE CONDUCTION VELOCITY IN SUBJECTS WITH IRON-DEFICIENCY ANAEMIA Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Subramaniyan , Anandhalakshmi , Harika , Sundaravadivelu Subject(s):
Харчовий статус як критерій донозологічної діагностики здоров’я підлітків Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: S. Schudro Subject(s):
Morbidity profile, immunization status and prevalence of anemia among children of residential schools of Gandhinagar district, Gujarat Journal title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Authors: Gaurishanker Shrimali, Nilesh Thakor, Jyotsna Pandor, Samir Bhagora, Sajid S Saiyad Subject(s):
Effect of gestational age on pulmonary functions in pregnant Odia women Journal title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Authors: Girija Priyadarshini, Archana Mishra Subject(s):
ASSOCIATION OF SERUM ALBUMIN CONCENTRATION AND PERIODONTITIS Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Amitha Ramesh , Anju John , Biju Thomas , Kumari Suchetha , Fathimath Nishana Subject(s):