The social nature of health and illness – evolution of research approaches in Polish classical medical sociology Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Włodzimierz Piątkowski, Michał Skrzypek Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Perceived and desired body weight among female university students in relation to BMI-based weight status and socio-economic factors Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Iwona Wronka, Edyta Suliga, Romana Pawlińska-Chmara Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
To tell the truth. A critical trend in medical sociology – an introduction to the problems Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Włodzimierz Piątkowski, Michał Skrzypek Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Predictors of smoking initiation – Results from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) in Poland 2009–2010 Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Dorota Kaleta, Teresa Makowiec-Dąbrowska, Elżbieta Dziankowska-Zaborszczyk, Adam Fronczak Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
The assessment of selected factors influencing intent to get pregnant in the Greater Poland Region Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Małgorzata Wojciechowska, Hanna Krauss, Paweł Bogdański, Kinga Mikrut, Zuzanna Chęcińska, Monika... Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
The social origin of the illness experience – an outline of problems Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Michał Skrzypek Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Disease-related social situation in family of children with chronic kidney disease – parents` assessment. A multicentre study Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Katarzyna Kiliś-Pstrusińska, Anna Medyńska, Piotr Adamczyk, Irena Bałasz-Chmielewska, Ryszard Grenda... Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Association of socio-economic and demographic factors with physical activity of males and females aged 20–69 years Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Elżbieta Biernat, Paweł Tomaszewski Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Evaluation of symptoms of anxiety and depression in women with breast cancer after breast amputation or conservation treated with adjuvant chemotherapy Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Marzena Kamińska, Tomasz Kubiatowski, Krzysztof Czarnocki, Marta Makara-Studzińska, Iwona Bojar, Elż... Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Occupational hazards and their effect on the health and socio-economic status of local palm oil processors in Delta State, Nigeria Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: James Bamidele Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Socio-economic status as an environmental factor – incidence of underweight, overweight and obesity in adolescents from less-urbanized regions of Poland Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Anna Długosz, Ewa Niedźwiedzka, Tomasz Długosz, Lidia Wądołowska Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Level of information about gynaecological prevention in teenagers at risk from social exclusion, referred by family court rulings to juvenile attendance centres – a pilot study Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Marcin Bobiński, Włodzimierz Piątkowski, Anna Sadowska, Cisak Dorota, Wiesława Bednarek Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Head pediculosis in schoolchildren in the eastern region of the European Union Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Katarzyna Bartosik, Alicja Buczek, Zbigniew Zając, Joanna Kulisz Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Postawy etyczne wobec nierówności zgodnie z klasyfikacją F. Stewart a efektywność ekonomiczna Journal title: Studies in Global Ethics and Global Education Authors: Michał Litwiński Subject(s):
The Ethical Approach to Inequality Conceived in Accordance with F. Stewart’s Classification and Economic Effectiveness Journal title: Studies in Global Ethics and Global Education Authors: Michał Litwiński Subject(s):