The Challenge Treatment of Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: A Case Report Journal title: International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science (IJDOS) Authors: Maria Del Pilar Rodríguez Sánchez Subject(s): Medicine, Science, Technology
Versatility o f Bi - Paddle PMMC Flap i n Reconstruction o f Oral Facial Defects Journal title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Management Authors: Prakash B V Subject(s):
Cutting bone with drills, burs, lasers and piezotomes: A comprehensive systematic review and recommendations for the clinician Journal title: International Journal of Oral and Craniofacial Science Authors: Troedhan Angelo, Mahmoud Ziad Tarek, Wainwright Marcel, Khamis Mohamed Moataz Subject(s):
Intravenous Bisphosphonate Therapy in the Adult Patient with Osteogenesis Imperfecta: A Literature Review and Case Report Journal title: International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports Authors: Haydn James Taylor, Stephanie Cox, Jennifer Georgina Martins, Michael O'Halloran Subject(s):
Botryoid Odontogenic Cyst: Case Report Journal title: International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports Authors: Darin Johnston, Pallavi Parashar, James Closmann Subject(s):
Treatment of Different Types of Bone Defects with Concentrated Growth Factor: Four Case Reports Journal title: International Journal of Oral and Dental Health Authors: Subject(s):
Wewnątrzkostny rak śluzowo-naskórkowy high-grade rozwijający się w obrębie torbieli zębopochodnej: opis przypadku i przegląd literatury Journal title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) Authors: Hiba Alobaide, Marta Świerzy, Tomasz Kaczmarzyk, Paweł Świerzy, Mariusz Szuta, Romana Tomaszewska, J... Subject(s):
NASOLABIAL CYSTS: ABOUT 11 CASES. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: El Fakiri M.M., Abdala Fz, Adny A, Rochdi Y, Nouri H, Raji A. Subject(s):
The Relationship Between the Slope of the Mesioangular Lower Third Molars and the Presence of Second Molar Distal Caries: A Retrospective Study Journal title: Cumhuriyet Dental Journal Authors: Ahmet Altan, Emrah Soylu Subject(s):
Platelet-rich Fibrin and its Application in Dentistry: An Institutional Experience MD Tipu Sultan, Sandeep K. Pachisia, Rajarshi Banerjee, Sudipta Sahu, Abhinaba Journal title: Indian Journal of Dental Advancements Authors: Tipu Sultan MD, Sandeep K Pachisia, Rajarshi Banerjee, Sudipta Sahu, Abhinaba Bose Subject(s):
The treatment of gingival recessions - Our experience Journal title: Romanian Journal of Rhinology Authors: Ivan Lulchev Chenchev, Dimitar Todorov Atanasov, Dilyana Vicheva Subject(s):
Hemostatic Agents in Dentistry Journal title: Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Authors: Amit Mani Subject(s):
Combined Spinal Epidural Block Using Low Dose Intrathecal Bupivacaine with Fentanyl in High Risk Geriatric Patients for Proximal Femoral Surgeries Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Divya Madhu Subject(s):
Growth of Dental Sciences literature in India: A Scientometric Analysis Journal title: Library Progress International Authors: Ramakrishna . Subject(s):