Palaeoecological analysis of Berriasian ostracods of the central Crimea Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Julia N. SAVELIEVA Subject(s):
Warunki paleoekologiczne subkopalnego koryta Kolonia Bechcice na tle hydrologii środkowego odcinka doliny Neru Journal title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia Authors: Mateusz Płóciennik, Piotr Kittel, Ryszard Borówka, Katarzyna Cywa, Daniel Okupny, Milena Obremska, D... Subject(s): Geography
Representatives of the family Actinostromatidae (Stromatoporoidea) in the Devonian of southern Poland and their ecological significance Journal title: Geologos Authors: Paweł Wolniewicz Subject(s): Geology
Palaeontological analysis of Middle Miocene siltstones at Wiślica (Carpathian Foredeep, Poland) Journal title: Geologos Authors: Katarzyna Płonka Subject(s): Geology
Presence of Camptotheca in the Red River Delta (North Vietnam) during the Holocene Revealed by Palynological Studies Journal title: European Journal of Medicinal Plants Authors: Nguyen Thuy Duong, Pim de Klerk, Hans Joosten Subject(s):