Warunki paleoekologiczne subkopalnego koryta Kolonia Bechcice na tle hydrologii środkowego odcinka doliny Neru
Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2016, Vol 105, Issue
The history of the Ner River valley is well documented in Kolonia Bechcice (NKB) palaeochannel sediments. It was cut-off from the riverbed in the Younger Dryas. Its history may be divided into five distinct phases. During the Younger Dryas, the NKB was a relatively deep, oligotrophic water body. From the onset of the Holocene, the lake became a eutrophic, overgrown pond which quickly palludified and transformed into a rich fen with ferns and birches. There is a hiatus in the middle of the Holocene fen stratigraphy. A peat sequence is covered by fluvial silt and sand deposits. The NKB sequence documents the Ner valley as a dynamic system during the Late Glacial and the Holocene. Local ecosystems of this oxbow have remained under a much stronger pressure of climate changes than palaeolakes and wetlands located on uplands in the Łódź region.
Authors and Affiliations
Mateusz Płóciennik, Piotr Kittel, Ryszard Borówka, Katarzyna Cywa, Daniel Okupny, Milena Obremska, Dominik Pawłowski, Renata Stachowicz-Rybka, Rafał Szperna, Andrzej Witkowski
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