Próba rekonstrukcji rozwoju zbiornika akumulacji biogenicznej w Bydlinie (Wyżyna Śląsko- -Krakowska)
Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2016, Vol 105, Issue
The peat bog near the village of Bydlin in the Silesian-Cracovian Upland was subjected to geochemical, palaeobotanical and malacological analyses. The mire is located in a subsidence basin in a carbonate karst area. The sequences of biogenic deposits was identified based on materials obtained from drillings (maximum depth of 4,20 m). The sedimentary sequence in the studied peatbog is highly differentiated, there are: brown moss peat, sedge-moss peat, tall-sedge peat and lake deposits, which occur mainly in calcareous gyttja, clay-calcareous gyttja and lacustrine chalk. The presence of limnic deposits indicate lake phase in the sedimentary basins in the western and southern part of the mire. Based on the content of the main lithogeochemical components of the sediments, the composition and structure of faunistic assemblages, variability of the pollen curves and botanical composition of the peat deposits, it was possible to characterize the features of natural palaeoenvironment, peat bog evolution, and to determine the stratigraphic position of biogenic sediments.
Authors and Affiliations
Daniel Okupny, Małgorzata Nita, Marek Kloss, Witold Paweł Alexandrowicz, Anna Fortuniak, Sławomir Żurek
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