The article presents an evolution of the experience in the application of lithological methods for palaeogeographic
reconstructions of glacigenic processes in Central Poland as well as a proposal for a wider use of the l...
The paper presents the results of studies of pollen and plant macroremains from the site of Koźmin Las, in which
remnants of a forest, observed as fragmentary in situ tree trunks, and Late Vistulian sediments, represente...
Stimulating qualities of biometeorological conditions of Wrocław were analyzed on the basis of the values of the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) of the years 2008–2014. UTCI values were calculated from 1-hour data...
Closed depressions (CDs) are typical geomorphological features of the loess belts in Europe and their
origin is highly debated in literature. This paper presents the current state of research on CDs in the loess belts in...
Koźmin Las site is located in the well recognized area during the geological and geomorphological studies conducted
since 90s of the last century in the ocucrops of the Adamów JSC Lignite Mine in Central Poland. Since 20...
Znaczenie metod litologicznych w rekonstrukcjach procesów glacigenicznych na przykładach z obszaru staroglacjalnego na przykładach z Polski Środkowej (The importance of lithological methods in the reconstruction of glacigenic processes of the old glacial area with examples from Central Poland)
The article presents an evolution of the experience in the application of lithological methods for palaeogeographic reconstructions of glacigenic processes in Central Poland as well as a proposal for a wider use of the l...
Rozwój roślinności w późnym vistulianie oraz funkcjonowanie i zanik ekosystemu leśnego w stanowisku Koźmin Las
The paper presents the results of studies of pollen and plant macroremains from the site of Koźmin Las, in which remnants of a forest, observed as fragmentary in situ tree trunks, and Late Vistulian sediments, represente...
Bodźcowość warunków biometeorologicznych we Wrocławiu (Stimulating qualities of biometeorological conditions in Wrocław)
Stimulating qualities of biometeorological conditions of Wrocław were analyzed on the basis of the values of the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) of the years 2008–2014. UTCI values were calculated from 1-hour data...
Zagłębienia bezodpływowe obszarów lessowych Polski. Stan i perspektywy badań (Closed depressions in the loess areas of Poland. Current state of research and prospects for further research)
Closed depressions (CDs) are typical geomorphological features of the loess belts in Europe and their origin is highly debated in literature. This paper presents the current state of research on CDs in the loess belts in...
Ogólna charakterystyka stanowiska Koźmin Las
Koźmin Las site is located in the well recognized area during the geological and geomorphological studies conducted since 90s of the last century in the ocucrops of the Adamów JSC Lignite Mine in Central Poland. Since 20...