Psychoterapia hazardu — jak skutecznie leczyć hazardzistów? Efektywność stosowanych metod terapeutycznych Journal title: Psychoterapia Authors: Irena Jelonkiewicz Subject(s):
Psychotherapy of gambling — how to effectively treat gamblers? The effectivenes of applied therapeutic methods Journal title: Psychoterapia Authors: Irena Jelonkiewicz Subject(s):
Changes of Diagnosis Criteria for Gambling-Related Disorders and Psychoactive and Behavioral Addictions Journal title: Resocjalizacja Polska Authors: Iwona Niewiadomska Subject(s):
Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of SOGS-RA in the Polish Version Journal title: Journal of Education Culture and Society Authors: Jolanta Jarczyńska Subject(s): Education & Educational Research, Multidisciplinary Sciences
Pathological Gambling and Co-dependence Journal title: Acta Ludologica Authors: Silvia Slezáková Subject(s):
Direct and indirect effects of pathological gambling on risk attitudes Journal title: Judgment and Decision Making Authors: Pablo Brañas-Garza, Nikolaos Georgantzís and Pablo Guillen Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences