Labour resources of «Physical culture and sport» branch

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Homko I.| Харьковская государственная академия физической культурû, Lugovaya A.| Харьковская государ...

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

Social and market conditions the development of physical culture and sport

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Yaroslav Leonov| Харківська державна академія фізичної культури, Valeriy Vasiliev| Севастопольський...

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

Organizing regional management mechanism sphere of physical culture and sport

Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport]

Authors: Galina Putiatina| Харківська державна академія фізичної культури, Vadim Gorbachev| Севастопольський...

Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness

Policy of economic crime prevention in the Holy Quran

Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

Authors: Mohammad Ghaffari *| Professor of Payam Noor University – Sarein Branch,,...

Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine

strategies against the crisis in Iran criminal law

Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

Authors: Mohammad Ghaffari| Lawyer and Professor of Payam Noor University – Sarein Branch, Jaafar Ghaffari| M...

Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine

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