Exception of unconstitutionality – way of individual access to the constitutional justice Journal title: Revista Institutului Național al Justiției Authors: Aurel Băieșu Subject(s):
Artistic creations of magistrates: freedom of expression and the reserve obligation imposed on them Journal title: Revista Institutului Național al Justiției Authors: Tamara Manea Subject(s):
Druids, Scientologists and Wiccans – religions, beliefs and their manifestation in Strasbourg Jurisprudence
Academic freedom and the ethical value of thinking Journal title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny Authors: Paulina Sosnowska Subject(s):
NAZISM AND THE CONCEPT OF ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY Journal title: STUDIUM - Revista studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor în istorie Authors: Tomas NIKODYM, Lukas NIKODYM Subject(s):
FEAR PHENOMENON IN EXISTENTIAL PHILOSOPHY Journal title: Антропологічні виміри філософських досліджень Authors: V. V. Melnyk Subject(s):
Prawicowe i lewicowe partie populistyczne po wyborach do Parlamentu Europejskiego w 2014 roku na przykładzie Wolnościowej Partii Austrii oraz Partii Lewicy w Niemczech Journal title: Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej Authors: Justyna Miecznikowska Subject(s):
Antropologia wolności w filozofii Sartre’a i Lévinasa Journal title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia Authors: Marek Błaszczyk Subject(s):
Illusion und Desillusionierung. Der Freiheitsdrang der 68er-Generation und dessen Konsequenzen am Beispiel des Selbstfindungsversuches eines Kindes dieser Generation in Zoë Jennys Roman „Das Blütenstaubzimmer” - DE Journal title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia Authors: Karin Wawrzynek Subject(s):
FREEDOM AND DIGNITY: A BOOK REVIEW Journal title: Social Sciences and Education Research Review Authors: Ștefan Vlăduțescu Subject(s):
FREEDOM OF PRESS IN CURRENT SOCIO-POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT IN ROMANIA Journal title: Social Sciences and Education Research Review Authors: Georgiana STĂNESCU, Ionuţ SUCIU Subject(s):
Between Freedom and Enslavement Journal title: Chorzowskie Studia Polityczne Authors: Anna Kamińska Subject(s):
Internal Market Freedoms and Democratic Principles of the European Union in the Judgments of the Court of Justice of the EU Journal title: Chorzowskie Studia Polityczne Authors: Jacek Barcik Subject(s):
LEGAL MEASURES OF PROVIDING FREEDOM OF THE INVESTMENT ACTIVITY Journal title: Економічна теорія та право Authors: К. В. ХАРКІВСЬКА Subject(s):