Survey of Patient safety climate from nursing views Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences Authors: Fatemeh Mousavi| Associate Professor, Department of Social Medicine, Islamic Azad University, Tehran... Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine
Investigating the Status of Respect Patient's Safety from Nurse’s View in Imam Sajad Educational and Therapy Hospital, Yasuj in 2015 Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) Authors: Arash Khalili| Instructor, Department of Pediatric Nursing, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences,... Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Oncology, Public Health and Community Medicine
Creating and Innovative Safety Culture Model for Construction Industries in Chennai Journal title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Authors: S. Binil Sundar, A. Anitha Subject(s): Engineering, Applied Linguistics
A Survey of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Management and Safety Climate in Construction Sites Journal title: Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Authors: A. Mobaraki, R. Mirzaei, H. Ansari Subject(s): Engineering, Technological Change, Information Science, Industrial Management, Civil Engineering
Does safety climate make sense in hospitals of a developing country? Journal title: Electronic Physician Authors: Mahmood Nekoei-Moghadam, Mohammadreza Amiresmaili Subject(s):
A LITERATURE REVIEW ON GLOBAL OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PRACTICE & ACCIDENTS SEVERITY Journal title: International Journal for Quality Research Authors: Kassu Jilcha, Daniel Kitaw Subject(s):
Human Error in Pilotage Operations Journal title: TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation Authors: Jørgen Ernstsen, Salman Nazir Subject(s):
CAUSE-EFFECT RELATIONS OF OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES AT KRYVBAS MINING ENTERPRISES Journal title: Международный научный журнал "Интернаука" Authors: D.P. Zaikina Subject(s):
Pracownicza ocena klimatu bezpieczeństwa pracy i jej znaczenie dla ZZL. Kooperacyjny zakres działań w obszarze ZZL i BHP / Staff Assessment of the Work Safety Climate and Its Importance to Human Resource Management in Creating a Safe Work Environment: The Cooperative Range of Activities in Human Resource Management and Occupational Health and Safety Journal title: Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi Authors: Marta Stasiła-Sieradzka Subject(s):
Safety Attitudes among Doctors and Nurses in an Emergency Department of an Australian Hospital Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Naif Alzahrani, Russell Jones, Mohamed E Abdel-Latif Subject(s):
Inclusive Leadership, Safety Climate and Safety Behaviour: A Proposed Framework Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Authors: Bara Kabaka Brown, Chandrakantan Subramaniam, Hassan Ali Subject(s):
IMPACT OF SAFETY CLIMATE ON JOB PERFORMANCE AND JOB SATISFACTION WITH MODERATING ROLE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CAPITAL Journal title: International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences Authors: Muhammad Saqib Khan Subject(s):
Kształtowanie kultury bezpieczeństwa w przedsiębiorstwie, jako element zarządzania firmą w ocenie studentów Shaping safety culture in a business enterprise as an element of business management in students’ assessment Формирование культуры безопасности на предприятии как элемент управления компанией в оценке студентов Journal title: Bezpieczeństwo.Teoria i Praktyka Authors: Jadwiga Bakonyi Subject(s):