The general principles and methods of stimulation the state innovation policy of Japan Journal title: Науковий вісник Полтавського університету економіки і торгівлі. Серія "Економічні науки" Authors: Inna Haida Subject(s):
The Role of Science and Technology Diplomacy in Solving Knowledge-based Firms Challenges Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: Mohammad Mahdi Zolfagharzadeh, Mahdi Hajari, Hosein Eftekhari Subject(s):
Identify and Clustering Challenges of knowledge-based Enterprises using ANN and BPMS Approaches; Case study: Yazd KBEs Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: Mojtaba GholiPour, Mohammad Ali Vahdat Zad, Mohammad Saleh Oliua, Hasan Khademi Zareu Subject(s):
Economic impacts of Science and Technology Corridors on regional development, Case study: Silicon Valley Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: Rohollah Shahnazi, Zahra Dehghan Shabani Subject(s):
Impact of Science and Technology Parks Quality of the Service on Growth and Innovative Performance of Firms located in Parks; Case study: Pardis Technology Park Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: Mohsen Shafiei Nik Abadi, Saeideh Ghochkanloo Subject(s):
Determining the Priorities in Science Parks by Using Fuzzy DEMATEL Case Study of Sheikh-Bahai Science and Technology Park Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: mohammad ebrahim sadeghi, asghar saud abadi, saeed mirza mohammadi, Mohammad reza mahdavi Subject(s):
"A Review of the Rules and Regulations of Science and Technology and Relationship to Innovation Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: Mohammad reza Ata pour, Seyed Habibollah Tabatabaeiyan Subject(s):
The Role of Science and Technology Corridors in Knowledge-based Economy Development Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: Mahmod Sheykh Zeynaddin, Hasan KIhakbaz, Leyla Khodabandeh, Mehdi Keshmiri Subject(s):
Effects of the Knowledge-Based Economy on the Science and Technology Corridors Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: Rohollah Shahnazi, Homa Mouazen, Neumatollah Akbari Subject(s):
Investigation Effects of Science and Technology Park on Economic Development Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: Ramezanali Shourmij, Mahsa Asadi Subject(s):
Ranking of Effective Factors on Promoting Innovation Companies in Incubators, Using Fuzzy Topsis Technique; Case Study: Yazd Science and Technology Park Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: Seyed Habibollah Mirghafori, Hosein Sayadi Toranloo, Maryam Kariminia Subject(s):
Parks and Science and Technology Development Centers with a Global Perspective Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: Majid Soleymani Subject(s):
Evaluation of the Success Rate of Technology Units Located in Science and Technology Parks and Incubators Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: Alireza Motmany, Mohammad Hoseinabadi, Amin Hemmati Subject(s):
SWOT table for science and technology parks to choose the best strategy using fuzzy ANP Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: Mahdi Yosefi Nezhad Atarry, Ensiyeh Neyshaboory Subject(s):
Recognition and evaluation the critical success factors in Iran Science and Technology Parks in the point of views of some experts Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: Seyed reza Salami, Behnush Mody, Mehrdad Shafiei Subject(s):