Analysis Of The Attractiveness Of Science And Technology Studies Journal title: Mašinstvo Authors: Dino Arnaut, Safet Brdarević Subject(s):
THE EXPECTED EFFECT ANALYSIS FOR THE GOVERNMENT R&D INVESTMENT OF RESEARCH EQUIPMENT Journal title: Polish Journal of Management Studies Authors: Donghun Yoon Subject(s):
Professor V.Ye. Timonov (1862-1936) as a historian of science and technology Journal title: Історія науки і техніки: Збірник наукових праць Державного університету інфраструктури та технологій Authors: L. Solov’iova Subject(s):
ІНТЕГРАЦІЙНІ ПІДХОДИ В НАУКОВІЙ ТА ІНЖЕНЕРНО-ЕКОНОМІЧНІЙ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ Journal title: International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science Authors: В. І. Кудлач Subject(s):
The Effect of the 5E Learning Cycle Model and Cooperative Learning Method in the Constructivist Approach on Academic Success and Students’ Attitude towards Subject of “Sound” Journal title: Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science Authors: Sabriye Seven, Serpil Tiryaki, Hatice Ceylan Subject(s):
Transfer of Science and Technology Achievement for the Development in China: The Case of Independent Innovation Pilot Area of Hefei-Wuhu-Bengbu, Anhui Province Journal title: European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences Authors: Xiong Liyong, Rashmi Chatterjee, Song Wei Subject(s):
Enhancing Science And Technology By Decentralizing Downward Management Style Journal title: Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal Authors: Chaudhry Talha Khan, Muhamamd Usman Saleem Subject(s):
On the problem of terminology selection for EOP teaching Journal title: Journal of Educational Research and Reviews Authors: Wang Weiping, Chernytskiy V. B. Subject(s):
DIFFICULTIES AND BARRIERS FOR THE IMPLEMENTING OF MARKETING MODEL IN WROCLAW UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Humanitas Zarządzanie Authors: Zbigniew Malara, Radosław Ryńca, Yasmin Ziaeian Subject(s):
Practical Implication of Multimedia Package in Science and Technology: A Study on Students of Standard IX Journal title: International Journal of Research and Review Authors: Dr. Jaishree Das Subject(s):
The Role of Marketing in SMEs, Located in Eastern Azerbaijan Province Science and Technology Park Journal title: Roshd-e-Fanavari Authors: Hossein Abbasi Esfanjani, Omolbanin Asadi Ghorbani Subject(s):
Web 2.0: emphasizing Pharmacy 2.0/ Pharmaceutical 2.0¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬-Promising Interdisciplinary Information Science Field Journal title: Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy Authors: Prantosh Kr. Paul Subject(s):
PhD [Information Science]: Proposed Model and Historical background with future Potentials in Indian Context Journal title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: P.K. Paul Subject(s):
How to Use Modern Technology to Deal with Aging Journal title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: Che Sihan Subject(s):