Penerapan Single Sign On dengan Google pada Website berbasis YII Framework Journal title: Sisfotenika Authors: Qurotul Aini, Untung Rahardja, Romzi Syauqi Naufal Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Technology
Statcounter Sebagai Alat Monitoring Aktivitas Website PESSTA+ Pada Perguruan Tinggi Journal title: Sisfotenika Authors: Indri Handayani, Erick Febriyanto, Egi Wijatriana Bachri Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Technology
Security Enhancement of Single Sign on Mechanism for Distributed Computer Networks Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: Jean Jacob, Mary John Subject(s):
Soundness to Single Sign on Using OTP in Distributed Networks Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Miss. Bhavana M. Bahikar, Prof. Praveen R. Barapatre Subject(s):
Identity Management as a Service in Cloud Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
An Authentication Protocol based on Kerberos Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: Jayati Ghosh Dastidar Subject(s):