Online Newspapers Providing Credible Information: A Survey of Indian Online News Readers Journal title: Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies Authors: Pradeep Tewari| The Tribune Publication, India Subject(s): Data Communication and Networks, Technology and Design Education, Development Studies
THE ANTECEDENT VARIABLES OF ATTITUDE IN FORMING INTENTION TO SWITCH SMARTPHONE (The Survey Study: Samsung Brand in Surakarta) Journal title: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Authors: Setiawan, MM| Email:; Economic Faculty of Sebela... Subject(s): Economics, Management Science
SMART REGIONS IN ITALY: A COMPARATIVE STUDY THROUGH SELF– ORGANIZING MAPS Journal title: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences Authors: Emiliano Colantonio| (Corresponding author) Assistant Professor University of Chieti-Pescara Viale P... Subject(s): Economics, Management Science
Smartphones and professionalism: A cross-sectional study on interns and final-year medical students Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) Authors: Saleh Alqaryan| College of Medicine, Qassim University, Qassim, Saudi Arabia, Mohannad Alkhalifa| Co... Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Oncology, Public Health and Community Medicine
Effect of smart phone using duration and gender on dynamic balance Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) Authors: Doaa Rafat El Azab| Department of Basic Science, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Cair... Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Oncology, Public Health and Community Medicine
Legacy Authentication Methods Preventing Key logging Attacks Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology Authors: M.Vamsi Krishna| Dept. of CSE, Chaitanya Institute of Science & Technology, Kakinada, AP, India, K.... Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy
Novel Visual Authentication Protocols to Defend Key Logging Issues Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology Authors: Chava Niharika| M.Tech (CSE), MVR College of Engineering and Technology, A.P., India, N. Madhu Bindu... Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy
slugRFID Technology For Libraries: An Indian Scenario Journal title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Authors: Matadeen Anuragi Subject(s): Engineering, Applied Linguistics
slugDESIGN OF SMART HYBRID FUZZY PID CONTROLLER FOR DIFFERENT ORDER PROCESS CONTROL Journal title: International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering Authors: Anil Kamboj and Sonal Gupta Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Management Science, Development Studies
slugViews and Perceptions of Stakeholders on Industrial Attachment for Students Studying Tourism and Hospitality Management at the University of Zimbabwe - in Search for Smart Partnerships Between Industry and the University Journal title: International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering Authors: Mr. Alick Mhizha and Golden Mandebvu Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Management Science, Development Studies
slugPOWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT USING PWM VOLTAGE REGULATOR Journal title: International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering Authors: S. Gupta Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Management Science, Development Studies
A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR MULTIPURPOSE BILL PAYMENT SYSTEMAPPRAISING MEMBER CUSTOMERS’ NEED Journal title: International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering Authors: Anup Kumar Ghosh, Somnath Sinha and Aditi Paul Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Management Science, Development Studies
C.R.A.M.E.(Computerised Recognition for Automated Modification of Environment) Journal title: International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering Authors: Zafar Faraz Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Management Science, Development Studies
Implementation Issues in Bluetooth Based Smart Sensor Network Journal title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Authors: N.S. Gawai, V.R. Pandit, B.M. Faruk, S.A. Fanan, B.V.Chikte Subject(s): Engineering, Applied Linguistics
Smart Materials: An Overview of Shape Memory Alloys for the analysis of strength & resistance Journal title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Authors: Ruchira srivastava Subject(s): Engineering, Applied Linguistics