Personalised and Adaptive Learning: Emerging Learning Platforms in the Era of Digital and Smart Learning Journal title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research Authors: Dr. Deepak Kem Subject(s): Economics, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Literature, Sociology of Education, Criminology, Public Administration
Smart Grids for the City of Praia: Benefits and Challenges Journal title: Environmental Science and Sustainable Development Authors: Claudino F. Pereira Mendes, José L. Bernal-AgustÃn, Álvaro Elgueta-Ruiz, Rodolfo Dufo-López, Subject(s): Environmental Sciences
Smart streetlamps as part of a smart city approach in Macau Journal title: Environmental Science and Sustainable Development Authors: Yile Chen,Liang Zheng, Subject(s): Environmental Sciences
DEVELOPMENT OF A LABORATORY-BASED AUTOMATED IRRIGATION PROTOTYPE Journal title: Engineering and Technology Journal Authors: Felix Gemlack Ngasoh, Terry Bonchak, Joshua M. Vinking, Ruke Samuel, Subject(s): Engineering, Technology
GoHammer Blockchain Performance Test Tool Journal title: Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies Authors: Melih BİRİM, Hüseyin Emre ARI, Enis KARAARSLAN Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Management Information Systems, Computer Architecture, Computer-Human Interaction, Mobile Computers, Computer Law, Intellectual Property and Media Law, Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Information Systems, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, Computer Science, Cybernetics, Computer Science, Theory & Methods, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Mathematics - Computer science
Digital Twin Based Disaster Management System Proposal: DT-DMS Journal title: Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies Authors: Özgür DOĞAN, Oğuzhan ŞAHİN, Enis KARAARSLAN Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Management Information Systems, Computer Architecture, Computer-Human Interaction, Mobile Computers, Computer Law, Intellectual Property and Media Law, Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Information Systems, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, Computer Science, Cybernetics, Computer Science, Theory & Methods, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Mathematics - Computer science
Intermediation Role of Brand Image in the Effect of Country of Origin and SelfRespect on Brand Loyalty in the Smart Phone Industry Journal title: Güncel Pazarlama Yaklaşımları ve Araştırmaları Dergisi / Journal of Current Marketing Approaches and Researches Authors: Meliha Elif GÜVEN Kahraman ÇATI Ebru OSKALOĞLU Subject(s): Marketing
Дослідження перспектив застосування соціо-демографічних даних для аналізу потенціалу керування попитом Journal title: Вісник Національного технічного університету «ХПІ». Серія: Енергетика: надійність та енергоефективність Authors: Д. О. Данильченко, С. О. Федорчук, А. В. Івахнов, О. В. Кулапін, В. В. Гриценко Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Implementation of the SmartKids Web Environment Program to improve the digital competencies of high school teachers in Guayaquil's public schools -2020 Journal title: Prohominum Authors: Jesús David Morales-Yépez, Martha Trinidad Sánchez-Murillo, Katia Yesenia Álvarez-Castro, Luisa Soco... Subject(s): Business Administration, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences, Communication
The Impact of Smart Phone Applications on Improving Marketing Performance of Banking Services in Jordanian Commercial Banks Journal title: Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies Authors: Haneen Awwad, Prof. Dr.Younes Megdadi Subject(s): Economics, Banks and Banking, Marketing, Accounting, Management, Business, Finance
Smartphone Applications Developed for Pediatrics and Their Effects on Children’s Health Journal title: Artuklu International Journal of Health Sciences Authors: Onur Issever, Selmin Senol, Hatice Bal Yilmaz, Figen Yardimci Subject(s): Medical Education, Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, General Medicine, Internal Medicine, Nursing, Public Health and Community Medicine, Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine, Health and Wellness, Health Care Sciences & Services, Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Primary Health Care, Nutrition & Dietetics, Emergency Medicine
Perception on Smart Phone Usage in Sustainable Learning among the Students of the Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria Journal title: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis Authors: TAIWO, David Olugbenga, OLOWOOKERE Clement Adebayo, ADEWALE Yemi Yekeen Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Economics, Education, Engineering, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Technological Change, Health science
Influencing factors and stage characteristics of intelligent con-struction of rural tourism in Fujian Journal title: Smart Tourism Authors: Yingying Chen, Li Ou, Ge Guo, Chenchen Li Subject(s): Humanities, Miscellaneous
Review of research on smart tourism at home and abroad Journal title: Smart Tourism Authors: Jucheng Zhang, Yiming Li, Ruxia Cheng Subject(s): Humanities, Miscellaneous
Smart tourism destination, physical experience and rural tour-ism Journal title: Smart Tourism Authors: Francisco J. Ballina Ballina Subject(s): Humanities, Miscellaneous