Spotchem EZ SP-4430 kuru kimya cihazında çalışılan bazı biyokimya testlerin verifikasyonu (Verification of some biochemistry tests that to be analyzed in Spotchem EZ SP-4430 dry chemistry system) Journal title: Turk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi Authors: Yakup DÜLGEROĞLU Subject(s):
Property and Perversion Journal title: Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг Authors: SERHII TARADAJKO Subject(s):
Effect of oral hygiene on Orthodontic Treatment- A Clinical Study Journal title: Harsukh Educational Charitable Society International Journal of Community Health and Medical Research Authors: Alejandra Raftacco Subject(s):
Studies in the World Related to Pythium spp. Causing Root Diseases in Carrot Journal title: Black Sea Journal of Agriculture Authors: Senem TÜLEK, Fatma Sara DOLAR Subject(s):
The Comparison of Environmental Conditions between Hotspot and Non Hotspot Areas of Dengue Outbreak in Selangor, Malaysia Journal title: International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research Authors: Nurul Akmar Ghani Subject(s):
Ku dialogicznej więzi w poradnictwie humanistycznie zorientowanym Journal title: Studia Poradoznawcze Authors: Alicja Czerkawska Subject(s):
Filling Factors of Sunspots in SODISM Images Journal title: Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing Authors: Amro F. Alasta, Abdrazag Algamudi, Fatma Almesrati, Mustapha Meftah, Rami Qahwaji Subject(s):
Influence of natural climatic factors on lakes waters fluctuations in nature protected areas Journal title: Екологічна безпека та природокористування Authors: Olga V. Alokhina, Oleg L. Ivantyshyn, Mykola M. Korus, Volodymyr V. Koshovyy, Mykhailo O. Popov, Boh... Subject(s):
Comparative Study of Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) and Gigabit Fidelity (Gi-Fi). Journal title: International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering Authors: B.I. Bakare, et al. Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Early infant diagnosis (EID): A vital component of prevention of parent to child transmission program Journal title: International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology Authors: Dr. Ravindra Thakur, Dr. Archna G Singh, Dr. Vineeta Ghanghoriya, Dr. Pawan Ghanghoriya Subject(s):
İslamofobiye Karşı Hazırlanan Kamu Spotu Reklamlarında Müslümanların Temsili: ABD, Kanada ve Hollanda Örneği Journal title: Medya ve Din Araştırmaları Dergisi Authors: Caner Çakı, Mehmet Ozan Gülada Subject(s):
Prevention of enamel demineralization around orthodontic brackets - An in vitro study Journal title: IP Indian Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Research Authors: Rubina Ansari, Arjun Vedvyas, Narayana Prasad, Tarun Sharma, Prem Prakash Gupta Subject(s):
SPOTKANIE I DIALOG W PROCESIE RESOCJALIZACJI Journal title: Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki humanistyczne, społeczne i techniczne Authors: Andrzej Bałandynowicz Subject(s):
DIALOG W ŻYCIU – DIALOG W TEATRZE Journal title: Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki humanistyczne, społeczne i techniczne Authors: MAREK ŚWIECA Subject(s):
Ślęża Landscape Park – a hot-spot of ant biodiversity in Poland (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Journal title: Acta entomologica silesiana Authors: Sebastian Salata, Lech Borowiec Subject(s):