Property and Perversion


The essay attempts to highlight the corruption in Ukraine in terms of ‘property’ and ‘ownership’. It is underlined that property is a purely western phenomenon; it can occur only when there appears, firstly, a free man, and, secondly, the mechanism of his legal protection. This was certainly unknown in the empire stemmed from Moscow Principality, and, in fact, from Asian despotism. The most important feature of such a society is the concentration of power in one person’s hands. Considering, however, the great size of the empire, it is impossible to carry out this kind of power without the apparatus of officials. It is the officials who shape the highest and privileged layers of the society. In the absence of valid ownership, the purely natural need for property assumes here a special, as if perverted form. It is about a position or post that can provide certain opportunities and secure a certain place in the hierarchy of power. What occurs here is a kind of ‘perversion’, because any distortion emerges, in fact, when the natural ‘choice of object’ (Freud) is complicated. In this case, there comes a ‘substitute’ (Ersatz), which is, for the most part, by ‘surrogate’. But even in a distorted form this need is, primarily, for property: having got his post, an official will immediately seek his own benefit. It is stressed that corruption, in contrast to the European understanding, is not essentially regarded as a crime, because it is just the ‘profitable position’ that seems to be the only chance to get a proper place in life. Thus, one must admit that to fight a phenomenon so deeply rooted in the very structure of the society without changing this structure and by merely using investigation and punishment is a rather nanve way. This is directly related to Ukraine, which for centuries was part of the empire.

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How To Cite

SERHII TARADAJKO (2018). Property and Perversion. Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг, 2(), 204-214.