The Social Evolution of Humankind: Western and Soviet Experiences of Modernization


Basing on the examples of various historical and cultural civilizations, including the Soviet one, the author attempts to trace the historical becoming of the forms of social power, their undermining, recovery and subsequent transformations. The author’s original multidisciplinary approach combining modern historical, cultural-anthropological and sociological research actualizes the analysis of the historical evolution of such basic institutions as the family, private property and the state. This historical-sociological interpretation makes it possible to explain the formation of modern world-system domination of the West not only by the Weberian thesis about the Protestant “spirit of capitalism”, but also by more complex institutional historical arguments. The Russian (and later Soviet) empire and Japan are two cases of violating the logic of the Western world-system centrality. The exceptions of these two empires are achieved at the cost of their own outwardly aggressive historical modernization.

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How To Cite

GEORGY DERLUGIAN (2018). The Social Evolution of Humankind: Western and Soviet Experiences of Modernization. Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг, 2(), 165-184.