Rehabilitation and renovation in ravar deteriorated urban area Journal title: Scientific Journal of Review Authors: R.A. Kermani*| Msc. Of Architecture, Art University of Tehran, Faculty member at Resalat University... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics
HEMATOPOIETIC GROWTH ASPECTS: MANIFESTATION OF VULNERABILITIES AND PROSPERITY IN HUMAN CANCER Journal title: Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research Authors: Pramod Khatri| Genetics Division, Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,... Subject(s): Biomedicine, Pharmacology
PREVALENCE AND AT EARLY AGE ONSET OF HYPO AND HYPERTHYROIDISM IN POSTIODIZATION ERA: A HOSPITAL BASED STUDY FROM SOUTH INDIA Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) Authors: Fathima Nusrath| Department of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad-500 007, Telangana, India, Ba... Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Oncology, Public Health and Community Medicine
A STUDY ON SERUM FSH, LH AND PROLACTIN LEVELS AMONG INFERTILE WOMEN Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) Authors: Prasad Bheem| Department of Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, Bihar, India, D... Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Oncology, Public Health and Community Medicine
Comparison of the effectiveness of equal doses of short and long-acting erythrocyte stimulating agents for managing anemia in chronic kidney disease adult patients Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) Authors: Abdulmalik Alkatheri| Pharmaceutical Care Department, King Abdulaziz Medical City, National Guard He... Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Oncology, Public Health and Community Medicine
Comparison of the Levels of LH and FSH, TSH, Prolactin, Progesterone and Estradiol Hormones between Iranian Infertile Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Healthy Women Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) Authors: Amir Hossein Hashemi| Departemt of Biology (Genetics), Payame Noor University (PNU), P.O.Box:19395-3... Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Oncology, Public Health and Community Medicine
Oral Strip Technology: A review Journal title: Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research Authors: Hema Jaiswal| Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (I.P.S.R), Sohramau , Unnao (U.P.) I... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Pharmacology
Intravenous Immunoglobulin in the Treatment of Vancomycin-Induced Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Authors: Mohamed A. El-Naggari| Department of Child Health, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman,... Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine
Blood Circulatory Massager Positive Machine Journal title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Authors: Vishwajeet Singh, Anand Kumar Pandey, Pragya Tiwari, Vijay Abrol, Durvijay Pal Subject(s): Engineering, Applied Linguistics
Association of Subclinical Hypothyroidism with Metaboic Syndrome and its Parameters Journal title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) Authors: Krithika B, Santhi Slambanan Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Psychology, Music, Agricultural Science, Physical Education, Geography, Health and Wellness
Serum Profile of Thyroid Hormones from Birth to Puberty in Buffalo Calves and Heifers Journal title: Journal of Buffalo Science Authors: S.D. Ingole, B.T. Deshmukh, A.S. Nagvekar and S.V. Bharucha Subject(s): Veterinary Science
Risk Factors for Predicting Osteoporosis in Patients Who Receive Thyrotropin Suppressive Levothyroxine Treatment for Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Journal title: Molecular Imaging and Radionuclide Therapy Authors: Çiğdem Soydal, Elgin Özkan, Demet Nak, Atilla Halil Elhan, Nuriye Özlem Küçük, Metin Kemal Kır Subject(s): Medicine
Comparison of inhibitory effect of ibuprofen with Piper guineense Schumach and Thonn. on some reproductive hormones in female rats Journal title: The Journal of Phytopharmacology Authors: Emmanuel Onuka AGBAI, Chisomaga Chiwuikem EKE, Collins Okechukwu NWANEGWO, Ugochukwu Bond ANYAEHIE Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Agricultural Science, Biomedicine, Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy
The usage of modern physioterapeutic methods of rehabilitation in treatment of chosen kinds of dysphonia Journal title: Otolaryngologia Polska Authors: Bożena Kosztyła-Hojna, Diana Moskal, Marek Rogowski, Dawid Falkowski, Joanna Kasperuk, Jalal Othman Subject(s):
Zastosowanie nowoczesnych fizjoterapeutycznych metod rehabilitacji w leczeniu wybranych postaci dysfonii Journal title: Otolaryngologia Polska Authors: Bożena Kosztyła-Hojna, Diana Moskal, Marek Rogowski, Dawid Falkowski, Joanna Kasperuk, Jalal Othman Subject(s):