The influence of the style of Karol Szymanowski on the creative work of Polish 20th century composers based on the Polish Suite by Szymon Laks Journal title: Notes Muzyczny Authors: Aleksandra Szwejkowska-Belica Subject(s):
Manuscripts of violin works by Marceli Popławski from the collections of the National Library in Warsaw Journal title: Edukacja Muzyczna Authors: Maryla Renat Subject(s): Education, Music, Languages and Literature
Otakar Ševčik – the Father of Modern Violin Pedagogy Journal title: Edukacja Muzyczna Authors: Michał Burczyk Subject(s): Education, Music, Languages and Literature
Sonata in D minor, Op. 9 by Karol Szymanowski. Genesis – reception – compositional technique Journal title: Edukacja Muzyczna Authors: Maryla Renat Subject(s): Education, Music, Languages and Literature