Do Family Firms Behave as Long-Termist? The Role of Performance Feedback Journal title: Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management Authors: Lihong Song, Qiang Liang Subject(s):
Commodity Pricing Mechanism Generalized Supply and Demand Equilibrium Research Journal title: Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology Authors: YIN Yan-hui Subject(s):
ADAM SMITH'S VIEWS AND THEORIES ON CATEGORY “FIXED ASSETS” Journal title: Scientific journal «International Journal of Philology» Authors: L Shynkaruk Subject(s):
Characterization and conservation of indigenous livestock genetic resources for wealth creation in tropical Africa: A review Journal title: Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Authors: A. Ahmadu, H. I. Kubkomawa, N. S. Abubakar, T. Sini, J. H. Chama, R. H. Gapsiso, M. S. Adamu Subject(s):
W służbie Sobieskiego. Działalność polityczna i wojskowa Jana Gorzeńskiego (około 1626–1694) Journal title: Zapiski Historyczne. Poświęcone Historii Pomorza i Krajów Bałtyckich Authors: Jarosław Pietrzak Subject(s):
Listy Piotra Hiacynta Śliwickiego do nuncjusza Alberica Archinto z lat 1754–1757 w zbiorach Archiwum Watykańskiego Journal title: Zapiski Historyczne. Poświęcone Historii Pomorza i Krajów Bałtyckich Authors: Joanna Orzeł, Stanisław Roszak Subject(s):
Impact of Return on Capital Employed On Company Performance – An Introspection in India Journal title: Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies Authors: Pradip Kumar Das Subject(s):
ECONOMIC GROWTH AND HAPPINESS. CULTURAL RELATIVISM Journal title: Journal of Intercultural Management and Ethics Authors: Hershey Friedman, Iulian Warter, Liviu Warter Subject(s): International Business , Management and Strategy, International Organizations , Ethics, Management, Business
Asset-Based Wellbeing of Oil Palm Farmers under PrescoPlc out Grower Scheme In Edo And Delta States, Nigeria Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: Adade Baa Famous, Ada-Okungbowa C.I. Subject(s):
Biodiversity Benefits of Agroforestry Journal title: Scholars Bulletin Authors: OkpoEsio Unanaonwi, Okezeke, Roy Nebolisa Subject(s):
Strategic Entrepreneurship—A Combination of Exploration and Exploitation. Journal title: International Journal of Business and Management Invention Authors: Nazish Mushtaq Subject(s):
PECULIARITIES OF PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT IN SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUNDS Journal title: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Економіка. Authors: Mariya Onopko Subject(s):
PROCESSES OF SOVEREIGNIZATION IN THE UK Journal title: Наукові праці. Серія "Політологія" Authors: Т. Lushagina, J. Trashkalova Subject(s):
RESEARCH ON THE EVALUATION INDEX SYSTEM OF THE RISK MANAGEMENT LEVEL OF ASSET MANAGEMENT OF CHINA’S COMMERCIAL BANKS Journal title: Topics in Economics, Business and Management (EBM) Authors: Yinjie Fang, Shiran Liu Subject(s):
REAL ESTATE WEALTH EFFECT OF CHINESE HOUSEHOLDS: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY BASED ON MICRO SURVEY DATA Journal title: Topics in Economics, Business and Management (EBM) Authors: Li Shuai Subject(s):