Evolution of a symphony orchestra stage layout – from Classicism to contemporary times Journal title: "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego" Authors: Aleksandra Orczykowska Subject(s): Education, Music
BIG BAND AND POP-SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA: GENESIS, THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES AND SPECIFIC OF USE Journal title: Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук: Міжвузівський збірник наукових праць молодих вчених Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету Authors: Vyacheslav LATKO Subject(s):
Examining the situation of classical guitar in symphony orchestra’s concert programmes in Turkey with respect to different variables<p>Türkiye’deki senfoni orkestralarının konser programlarında klasik gitarın yer alma durumunun çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Soner Uluocak Subject(s):