Estructura del acero API 5L GR. 65 soldado con arco eléctrico y electrodo revestido Journal title: Ciencia & Futuro Authors: António Quizila-Ricardo, Tomás Fernández-Columbié Subject(s): Engineering, Social Sciences
Estudio de impacto ambiental en la zona costera desde las instalaciones de la pesca hasta el puente Silvano, de la localidad de Moa Journal title: Ciencia & Futuro Authors: Claudia Gutiérrez-Fernández, Rosangela García-Chávez, Servio A. Martínez-Hernández, Adrián Rodríguez... Subject(s): Engineering, Social Sciences
Servikal Spondilotik Miyeloradikülopatinin Tanı Ve Tedavisinde Dinamik Servikal MRG’nin Önemi Journal title: Acta Medica Ruha Authors: Mustafa Nevzat Fırıdın Subject(s): Medicine, Health Care Sciences & Services, Medical science
ZONA ZOSTER CASE CAUSİNG POST-TRAUMATIC LOWER LIMB PARALYSIS Journal title: Kocatepe Medical Journal Authors: Miruna Florentina ATEŞ, Fatih Öner KAYA2, Sibel KARŞIDAĞ Subject(s): Medicine
INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF POWERING AN OZONATOR PLANT FROM PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATIONS Journal title: International scientific journal Science and Innovation Authors: Abdikadyrov Askar Aitmyrzaevich, Kalandarov Palvan Iskandarovich Subject(s): Archaeology, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Science
Pilot-scale study on advanced treatment of dyeing wastewater by enhanced ozonation with iron-based catalyst Journal title: Energy Environmental Protection Authors: FAN Jinhong|College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, China, YANG Yuwei|C... Subject(s): Energy, Environmental Protection
Use of Habitat and Activity Patterns of Pionus menstruus and Amazona farinosa (Aves: Psitacidae) in a Tropical Dry Forest in Toluviejo, Sucre, Colombia Journal title: International Journal of Zoology and Animal Biology Authors: Herrera IM, Sampedro AC*, Jaraba FC and Olmos PM Subject(s): Zoology and Animal Science
Kütləvi idman tədbirləri zamanı təhlükəsizliyin təmin edilməsində müasir informasiya texnologiyalarından və texniki vasitələrdən istifadənin hüquqi aspektləri Journal title: Scientific Work Authors: Əsgər Şirəliyev Bakı Dövlət Universiteti magistrant Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science, Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, Agricultural Science
ƏRAZİLƏRİN ZONALAŞDIRILMASI, İDARƏ EDİLMƏSİ VƏ BU PROSESDƏ MÜASİR TEXNOLOGİYALARIN TƏTBİQİ MƏSƏLƏLƏRİ Journal title: Scientific Research Authors: Rauf Nuhov Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Multidisciplinary
NAZİK BAĞIRSAQ DİVERTİKULYOZUNUN RADİODİAQNOSTİKASI Journal title: Scientific Work Authors: Aytən Ağamalıyeva , Lalə Ağabəyli, Hicran Əsgərova, Zərqələm Ömərova, Fatma İsmayılova Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science, Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, Agricultural Science