19th Century Ottoman Lycia, British Travellers’ Record of The Cingans-Zincani, The Yurook-Yourooks and Turcomen Nomads: on Leeches Erroneous Titles and Dates

Journal Title: Cedrus: Akdeniz Uygarliklari Araştirma Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue


19th century British travellers to Lycia, largely drawn by an interest in the remains of antiquity also made observations of the inhabitants, Yürük, Turcomen and gypsy-Roma populations of Lycia. Ottoman official rec­ord of the gypsy population in Lycia in the first half of the 19th century seems almost non-existant, but these travel­lers provide a reason for gypsy settlement in cer­tain areas of this region at the start of the 19th century – to enable the collection all year round of medicinal fresh­water leeches, an important export from Ottoman territory. They rec­ord the gypsies collected the leeches, with a leech depot at Xanthus in 1843-44, from where they were transported to the port of Smyrna-Izmir by Greek and Italian merchants. They also worked metal, made coffee mills, musical in­struments, spoons inlaid with mirror glass, firearms and gunpowder flasks, had numerous horses, wrestled, danc­ed and played music. The Bristol artist William James Mül­ler (1812-45) provided a remarkable visual record of these populations and their dwellings in Lycia 1843-44 in numerous watercolour sketches. This article notes that some of the titles given to his works have altered since his death, with some of his paintings of the gypsys of Lycia now recorded as depicting: Arabs, Turks, Orientals or Sy­rians, rather than gypsys-Roma and some of his paintings of the Xanthus valley are now mis-described as depicting a “desert”.

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  • EP ID EP204170
  • DOI 10.13113/CEDRUS.201722
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How To Cite

T. M. P. DUGGAN (2017). 19th Century Ottoman Lycia, British Travellers’ Record of The Cingans-Zincani, The Yurook-Yourooks and Turcomen Nomads: on Leeches Erroneous Titles and Dates. Cedrus: Akdeniz Uygarliklari Araştirma Dergisi, 5(), 463-530. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-204170