Diseases conditioned genetically or rather caused by the perinatal activation of endogenous retro – viruses inherent in us for millions of years – the necessary modification of understanding of the pathogenesis of many diseases

Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2010, Vol 23, Issue 10


Human endogenous retroviruses (HERV) were discovered in the 80s of last century. These represent 8% of the total polypeptides of human genome and belong to the group of so called retro – elements, which have also the ability to move within the human genome by means of reverse transcriptase so called. HERV were inserted to the genome of human germ cell about 40 million years ago and are transmitted vertically” in accordance with the principles of Mendel's genetics. It turns out recently that these generally silent” sequences occasionally become active and play even physiological roles.The author after the discussion of the HERV substance and function – focuses then on the discovered recently involvement of HERV in the complex pathogenic mechanisms of schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis. HERV activity is just one of the links in pathogenesis of these diseases. Recently, the hypothesis was formulated that several different pathogens, including infection and Toxoplasma gondi, infections of certain exogenous viruses are factors which activate the expression of HERV's genes.New idea in the discussions on the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases is the assumption that these infections initiate the disease process by the impact in the perinatal period. The author discusses the puzzle how it is possible that the antibodies produced against mentioned pathogens and acting on the fetus in utero” during a short period may lead to the development of some chronic diseases after many years. He is convinced that it is necessary to elaborate the conceptual theory of the nature of this cascade of pathogenic events. In his opinion, the newly discovered and cognized mechanisms of pathogenesis of many chronic diseases should be included to the medical teaching program.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Brodziak


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Andrzej Brodziak (2010). Diseases conditioned genetically or rather caused by the perinatal activation of endogenous retro – viruses inherent in us for millions of years – the necessary modification of understanding of the pathogenesis of many diseases. Postępy Nauk Medycznych, 23(10), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-53773