A 5 year retrospective study of pattern of maternal mortality in a tertiary care hospital in South India


Introduction: Maternal mortality remains one of the most daunting public health problems in India. Even today 20% of global maternal deaths occur in India. The total maternal deaths in India are around 63,000 a year, approximating one death every minute. Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis of 78 cases of maternal mortality over a period of 5 years from January 2007 to January 2012 in tertiary care hospital were analyzed with special emphasis on parity, cause of death, time interval from admission. Results: Hemorrhage was the leading cause of maternal death accounting for 26.92% followed by sepsis 23.08%. Pre-eclampsia contributed to 20.51% of maternal death. Anemia was responsible for 17.95% deaths .The age group in which most (74.36%) maternal deaths occurred was 21-30 years group. When the parity of the women was compared, it was seen that most maternal deaths was in multi-para accounting for more than half the maternal deaths (56.41%).Most of the women (62.5 %) died within 24 hours of admission followed by many women dying in the next 24-48 hours being 12.5%. Conclusion: The maternal mortality rate at referral hospitals in India is very high. Accurate estimation of maternal mortality depends mainly on a sound vital registration system and proper reporting of maternal death. Most of the deaths in our study have been avoided, if they had registered and received proper antenatal care, early diagnosis, timely intervention and early referral with well equipped transport facilities.

Authors and Affiliations

Pravin N Yerpude , Keerti S Jogdand


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Pravin N Yerpude, Keerti S Jogdand (2014). A 5 year retrospective study of pattern of maternal mortality in a tertiary care hospital in South India. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 11(3), 310-312. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-94328