Hereditary Multiple Exostosis - Diaphyseal Aclasis


Hereditary Multiple Exostosis (HME) is an inherited autosomal dominant metaphyseal overgrowth that is characterized by multiple osteochondromas. In 75% cases it occurs before age of 20 yrs with male predominance of 2:1. Most cases are asymptomatic, unless they disturb surrounding blood vessels or nerves. No treatment is necessary in most cases because lesions are clinically silent. Symptomatic, large lesions are treated by surgical excision.

Authors and Affiliations

Rushikesh M. Patwardhan , A. M. Deodhar , Vedvati M. Deodhar , Valmik B. Kadpe


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How To Cite

Rushikesh M. Patwardhan, A. M. Deodhar, Vedvati M. Deodhar, Valmik B. Kadpe (0). Hereditary Multiple Exostosis - Diaphyseal Aclasis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 8(2), 153-154.