A C-159T polymorphism of CD14 receptor and polymorphism of TLR4 gene in patients with alcoholic fatty liver and alcoholic cirrhosis
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2012, Vol 25, Issue 3
In addition to environmental factors, diet, life style etc., genetic factors influence the susceptibility for alcoholic fatty liver and alcoholic cirrhosis. Clinical studies show that gut permeability for endotoxines from Gram-negative bacteria in patients chronically abuse alcohol, is increased. LPS interact with membrane receptors CD14 and TLR4 cause Kupffer cell activation and production of proinflammatory cytokines, which are critical in the AFL and AC. A C-159T polymorphism in the promotor region of CD14 gene confer increased CD14 expression on Kupffer cells and enhanced inflammatory response. Polymorphism C-1196T of TLR4 gene can also change the intracellular signalling pathway. In the present study we identified polymorphic wariants of CD14 and TLR4 genes in patients with alcoholic fatty liver (AFL), alcoholic cirrhosis (AC) and control group using the Real-Time PCR technique. For C-159T polymorphism of CD14 gene we found stastistically significant differences in the frequency of TT genotype in patients with AC and control (p = 0.008), suggesting the protective role of C allel. However, for C-1196T polymorphism of TLR4 gene we found significant differences in the frequency of CC genotype in patients with AFL and control (p = 0.009*10<sup>-9</sup>). Distribution of genotypes C-1196T of TLR4 receptor was almost identical in patients with AC and control group. The results obtained are not conclusive, suggesting the need continuation of tests repetition with the use of larger population.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Kaleta, Jacek Łukaszkiewicz, Grażyna Kubiak-Tomaszewska, Piotr Tomaszewski
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