A Case Report on Ascites (Jalodar) Caused by Cryptogenic Liver Cirrhosis
Journal Title: International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 0
Ascites or Jalodar is the most common decompensating event in cirrhosis. The standard modern treatments generally provide provisional relief with time dependent reoccurrence of disease due to permanent damage of hepatic paryenchyme which may finally require liver transplantation. A 30 year old female patient approached with grade II ascites with bilateral pedal edema (++). She was subjected to treatment involving ayurvedic drugs in specific dosing pattern with restricted diet plan for one year. This case report demonstrated the successful treatment of grade II ascitis due to cryptogenic liver cirrhosis with hepatorenal syndrome.
Authors and Affiliations
Rajpoot Ranjana
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