A change of a business model as a challenge for supervisory boards
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie - Year 2016, Vol 30, Issue 2
The article presents the problems of the owner’s supervision in the context of challenges posed to management boards and the supervisory board. The aim of the article is to present the evolution of the attitudes of supervisory boards of the utilities sector companies, in the context of the need for a change of a business model. The empirical material for the analysis was obtained based on the interviews conducted with chairmen of supervisory boards and presidents of management boards of the companies which participated each time in the surveys in the years 2008, 2011, 2014. An interview questionnaire was a research tool, and some elements of longitudinal study were used in the research methodology. Longitudinal study is rarely applied in Poland in economic studies, but it is adequate to obtain answers to the posed research problems. The final part presents the research findings showing the growth of the importance of the supervisory mechanism concerning the method of work of the supervisory board and factors which have the greatest influence on this mechanism. A conclusion of the article is the imperative of undertaking research on the change in the manner of work of the supervisory board and its cooperation with the management board. The importance of business model in the conditions of the competitiveness of these enterprises is emphasised.
Authors and Affiliations
Kazimierz Barwacz
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