A Comparative Study between Figure of Eight Suturing Technique and Omentopexy in Closure of Peptic Ulcer Perforationin a Rural Medical College of Karnataka

Journal Title: New Indian Journal of Surgery - Year 2019, Vol 10, Issue 1


Background: Figure of 8 techniques has been described in the literature for peptic ulcer perforation repair especially when the patient comes late, when the edges of the ulcer and the wall of duodenum are very friable. Methods: Sixty patients included in the study at AIMS, B G Nagar, Bellur Cross were divided into two groups after randomization. Study group, patients underwent figure of eight suturing technique and Control group, patients underwent Grahm’s technique of omentopexy for peptic ulcer perforation. Results: The mean age of the study group was 48.7+ 7.56 Years and 49.6+8.69 years among the control group. In the Study group nearly 29 (96.6%) male and 1 (3.3%) female. Among the Control group 27(90%) males and 3 (10%) Females were included in the study. The Mean APACHE II score in the study group was 3.8+ 1.8 and in the control group it was 3.6+ 1.3 with p value found to be statistically not significant between the groups. The mean operative time in the control group was 76.65 min in study group and 73.58 min in control group. Bile Leak was in 2 (6.6%) in study group and 1 (3.3%) in control group. Septicemia was seen in 6.6% in study group and 10% in Control group. The commencement of oral Feed was started after 5.5 days in study group and 5.13 days in control group. The Mean hospital stay was 12.6 days in both the study and control group. Conclusions: The present study is non-inferior than omentopexy in terms of post-operative complications. It can be used as a safe alternative to omentopexy especially when the patient comes late.

Authors and Affiliations

C. S. Hanumanthaiah


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  • DOI 10.21088/nijs.0976.4747.10119.5
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How To Cite

C. S. Hanumanthaiah (2019). A Comparative Study between Figure of Eight Suturing Technique and Omentopexy in Closure of Peptic Ulcer Perforationin a Rural Medical College of Karnataka. New Indian Journal of Surgery, 10(1), 31-34. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-594117