A Comparative Study of Arthashastra "Embazzlement" and Islamic Jurisprudenece


Embezzlement is a crime that takes place when a person purposely withholds or uses assets and monies for a purpose other than for what it is intended. Embazzlement is a legal, social, economical and administrative crime, which endagering the national security and public safety of any country. It is directly associated with legal, political, social, human rights and development issues. Higher government officials and businessmen play a key role in creating and increasing economic crimes, namely corruption, embazzlement and fraud, all over the world. According the the scholars of this field lack of government transparency, weakness of the rule of law, family-based social structure with accepted customs of unfair advantages and benefits for the powerful people's family are the main causes of this crime and evil. In this paper, it has been described the basic rules & regulations, prohibition and condemnation in the view of these two laws. While the basic causes of embazzlement are discussed in detail in the view of Arthashastra and Islamic Jurisprudence.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr. Abdul Qudoos


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How To Cite

Dr. Abdul Qudoos (2015). A Comparative Study of Arthashastra "Embazzlement" and Islamic Jurisprudenece. The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية, 33(33), 58-69. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-487343